✧Fear Is All To Common✧

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Chapter 26 Fear Is All To Common

Somewhere behind me I could hear Mason shouting for me to wait up but I chose to ignore my friend for the time being. Right now all I needed to do is find Liam, Scott, and Malia. But that was hard to do seeing as the cops that had taken them seemed to be long gone.

I somehow managed to squeeze my way to the outskirts of the party which was quite an accomplish since something deep inside of me told me I was going to get trampled worse than Mufasa had. Luckily, I have been learning to call my conscience out when it's over exaggerating. Not always, though, but it's still better than breaking down over every little thing that could possibly go wrong. But, to be fair, breaking down is so much more easier than staying strong. I wouldn't be able to do so if it weren't for my friends and Isaac.

Finally, I caught a glimpse of a cop ducking out of the school building. Even from how far away I was I could tell something was off with him. He seemed nervous and jumpy, almost like he had just committed homicide.

That last thought caused something to click in my brain. As sad as it was I realized he just might have committed homicide. Hadn't Parrish said that it had been another deputy who had tried to burn him? WHat if the same one was after my friends right now? That would explain why someone was messing with them through the music.

With the thought of my friends potentially getting burned flaring- no pun intended- up in my mind, I began sprinting to the front of the school. Without a decent plan in mind, I burst through the main doors to see Scott, Liam and Malia lying in heaps on the ground as Braeden and Derek fought of some police officers. Something reeked of gasoline and I knew that Deputy Parrish wasn't the only one who these cops were planning to burn alive for some extra cash.

Stiles was going to need to have a serious talk with his father about the people he has hired.

As I stared wide-eyed as the fighting in front of me, I saw a balding man in a Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department uniform crawling on the ground. He reached out for a thin metal prism that I recognized to be a lighter. Acting on pure instincts and adrenaline, I stomped down on the man's hand, causing him to drop the lighter as he practically hissed at me to show his pain.

He reached for me as he sat up more and this time I managed to kick his jaw, causing him to yelp before his head whipped back in my direction to give me a look full of anger that managed to shot the memory of my father into my brain in a second flat.

That look alone caused me to freeze as I realized I was facing down an angry man three times my age and strength. His dark eyes held mine just so I could watch the light fade out of them when Derek's knee made contact with the side of his head, causing it to roll to the ground.

"I like to think that I taught you that," Derek declared as he formed a smirk through the shadows casted over his face. This school is really too creepy at night for my likings.

"What happened to your gun?" Scott croaked, causing Derek and I to look over at the young alpha.

"You're covered in gasoline," Derek stated instead of answering Scott's question.

"Oh, yeah," Scott mumbled as he looked down at himself and then Malia and Liam.

I crouched down next to Liam who was looking a lot more steadier than how he had when the police officers had taken him and the others.

"Are you okay?" I asked him softly.

Liam looked up at me slowly, his eyes looking like bright, delicate crystals that were about to burst. I immediately recognized the look in his eyes and I could feel my heart plummet. It was the look I had been forced to see in my brother's eyes for years. The look I had seen in my own eyes every time I glanced at a mirror.

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