✧Scrimmage Gone Wrong✧

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Chapter 11- Scrimmage Gone Wrong

I'm not entirely sure how but I managed to piece myself together and push myself off the wall. At first my legs felt wobbly and my heart felt cold and abandoned but I pushed through it all. The game would be starting soon and I needed to be there for Liam and the others. Plus, I really had promised Mason I'd sit with him during the game.

So as quickly as I could - which, in all honestly, wasn't that quickly seeing as I felt like I weighed a million pounds-I got to the bathroom, changed my slightly damp shirt, and hurried out to the fields. By the time I had managed to stay at the edges of the crowd and wave Mason over, the team was making their way out onto the field.

"Hey, is that Liam's shirt?" Mason questioned as he poked at my new wardrobe.

I couldn't control the blush that spreading across my cheeks as I looked down at my feet while I walked. "Liam gave me a shirt because I got water on mine."

"I'm not surprised Liam whipped off his shirt for you. He's not ashamed of those muscles, you know?" Mason teased further which was not at all helping to stop my excessive blushing.

I didn't have it in me to give him a response which didn't really surprise since I'm, well me. Mason is kind though and respects my social anxiety boundaries as he helps me push through the crowds so we can meet up with Liam before the game. I felt like I was going to get trampled by the large mass of teenagers but, with a lot of Mason's help, we made our way to Liam who was finishing to put on his gear.

When Liam saw us approaching him he shot us both a smile, "You made it over."

"Yeah, Charlotte wanted to talk to that McCall dude," Mason explained and I looked up at him in confusion; I had not came over here to see Scott-no offense to him or anything-and even if I had he was currently busy talking to Kira. I swear I noticed Liam's smile seemed to falter some which caused Mason to smile widely, "I'm kidding man, we wanted to tell you to go kick ass out there."

Liam nodded, his smile not quite back up on his face as he looked at the other team. His focus seemed to hone in on Brett before he turned back to Mason and I. "I don't care if he's a foot taller than me, I think I can take him."

I followed his gaze and took a look at Brett who currently didn't have a shirt on. I realize that he's a huge asshole and I hate him for what he said to Liam but god did he have an amazing body.

"Yeah," Mason said. I peeled my eyes away from Brett to see Mason staring at the prep student as he pulled a shirt over his head. I smiled, feeling a little less bad for almost drooling over Brett and his body.

"What do you think you guys are doing?" Liam asked the two of us, causing me to jump out of my slight daze.

"What?" Mason asked as he too looked away from Brett. I watched as Liam raised his eyebrows at me and then looked to Mason to see if he had anything else to say, which he did. "Us? We're just agreeing with you. Like, I'm being agreeable."

Liam glanced back and forth between Mason-who was not doing a good job at adverting his eyes from Brett-and the Devenford Prep player. "You think he's hot, don't you?"

I quickly shook my head as I made sure to keep my eyes on Liam instead of Brett. It wasn't a hard task though, Brett may have been half naked but he was still not Liam. Liam was attractive on a whole different level. The way he was confident on the field but so nice and even fragile off the field was something Brett will never be. Nobody will ever be like Liam.

"No, no! Not at all, no way!" Mason answered a little too quickly. I bit back a smile as Mason then looked back at Brett and started nodding a little. "Maybe, maybe yeah. Maybe a little."

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