Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

I walked into Killian's house with him and he just seemed so worried about me. It was alittle odd for me. Not many people are ever worried about me especially about this. I know what Im going through and I want to keep it to myself. Though Killian seemed to have dropped the what happened and the who did this to take care care of me instead.

"Okay Swan have a seat on my bed." Killian says as we entered his room.

"Okay... Ummm what are you going to do?" I ask sitting on the bed.

"Im just gonna help you with the swelling of the burises. Its gonna make it so they dont hurt as bad anymore." He says.

"And how do you know how to do this?" I ask.

"Well my brother and I play soccer and we have for years. We got hurt all the time as kids as we learned how to play. Anyway my first ever soccer game I got kneed in the eye when I fell and stepped on by someone in cleats. Once the game was over I was buried. So my dad decided that since this happened alot while playing sports he taught my brother and I to help the bruises." He says.

"Oh okay. I wont hurt right?" I ask.

"Maybe alittle, but I promise you I wont hurt you. Now umm... could you lift up your top I need to help those bruises on your back." He says.

"Okay." I say.

I turned my back to him and lifted up my shirt. The moment his hand touched my skin I got a feeling I've never had before. Though the medicine thing was starting to hurt the bigger bruises he went to.

"If its hurting you please let me know. The bigger the bruise the more stuff I have to apply." He says.

"Well its does sting alittle, but I think you can tell that I have a low tolerance of pain." I say.

"Well if it starts to feel worse or your alittle scared. My other hand is right here for you. I say this cause its time to do the huge one." He says.

He placed his hand with the medicine stuff on the big ass bruise and it really hurt. So bad that I grabbed his hand and never wanted to let go. Once he was done he lowered my shirt for me. I still had my hand in his and neither of us did anything about it. Except he pulled it up to him and kissed it. Most likely letting me know that Im fine. Everything in this moment was just so wonderful. Until I noticed what time it was... Oh he's gonna kill me.

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