Chapter 40

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Emma's POV

Well I was wrong about Killian and what he was doing. A while back accused the man I love of cheating on me when he was just planning a proposal. One I happily said yes to and since we couldnt wait any longer we decided to go ahead and just get married without a ton of people. Though Killian and I are husband and wife there are times I feel as if he isnt happy. I know its not me, but it could be his brother's passing almost three years ago. I just wanted him happy again and I didnt know how to fix it.

"Hey handsome. I made some breakfast if you want some." I say as Killian walked into the kitchen.

"No thanks." Killian says.

"No you sit and be with me and talk to me. Whats happing to us? Why are you so upset with me?" I ask him.

"Im not. Look love I love you and Im happy with you after all you are my wife now its just..... Never mind its stupid." He says.

"Oh yeah if its stupid then why are you making me feel like you dont love me anymore?" I question.

He just looked at me in shock that I had just said that. He walked over to me and kissed my head and made me look at him.

"Listen you are my world and I love you, but we got a letter awhile back from your brother James and he said once he is free that he will come for us and whoever else we have in our lives. Its scaring me to death. He already took my brother from me and I dont want to lose anyone else. Im sorry I didnt tell you and made you feel less important, but it really made me think. Especially since we have been trying to have a baby. I just worry that he could come back and I'll lose everything." He says.

"You need to relax Killian. I love you and James isnt getting out anytime soon. I dont want him to ruin our lives or.... Our child's life either, but together we can over come this.....As a family." I say placing my hand on my stomach.

"You're with child?" He asks me.

"Yes I am. I wanted to tell you before, but you werent yourself. Are you mad?" I ask.

"No. I could never be mad at you." He says placing his forehead to mine and putting his hand on my stomach.

Our love started when I was the only girl on the team. Many complained saying. She's A Girl, but Killian never did. Now we get to be together and happy and I know everything will be okay. Though if we have a son I want to name him after Killian's brother Liam who gave his life so I could have both my brother David and my Killian. I cant think of a better person to honor. It may have started with people saying She's A Girl, but it ended with a beautiful love story and thats all a girl could ever want.

A/N: Okay thats it for She's A Girl. I hope you all liked it as much as I liked writing it. Also this book maybe over, but I have three new ones out now.

1) Different Worlds
2) Fall Kisses
3) Protecting Whats Ours

So go read them and tell me what you think and thanks for reading She's A Girl.

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