Chapter 13

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Killian's POV

Emma didnt want to go to school after the conversation she had with David. He hasnt decided if he is gonna come here or take her away. Though all I know for sure is that Emma will be safe.

"Hey! Jones! Where the hell is Emma?" Neal asks me.

"Excuse me?" I question.

"You heard me. Where is she? People saw you taking her out of town. I swear if you did something to her I'll hurt you." He says.

"Actually I did do something to her. I made her safe, I protected her, and I'll keep protecting her until... Well I dont know maybe until I die. Emma has been through a lot and you havent helped her or even tried to help her. I could see it right away that something was wrong. Now get out of my way and if you try anything you will be the one that gets hurt." I say.

I walked away from him and the rest of the day went fine. Except I felt as if someone was watching me. As I walked home someone grabbed me and pulled into the alley.

"We have to talk to you." Regina says.

"Well a simple... Hey Killian can we talk would have been just fine." I say.

"Right. Anyway we heard what you said to Neal. What did you mean you protected Emma?" Belle asks.

"Well... Her brother James isnt the nicest person and he was the one causing her pain. I helped her get away and helped her find his twin. Now Emma might move away and she is freaking out. I have been trying my best, but you guys know her better. Maybe you can get her to tell all of you what she wont tell me." I say.

"Its worth a shot." Zelena says.

"Though we cant tell Snow she cant keep secrets." Regina says.

"Okay...Then follow me." I say.

I lead them to my house and when Emma saw them she was worried. I told her it was something I had to do. At first she was mad and then she took them up to room. I hope they can help her as well cause I dont want to lose Emma, but there are somethings I guy she barely knows cant do. I guess I'll just wait down here until my love... My Emma... Until they come back downstairs.

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