Baldi Loses It *Corporal Punishment Then Fluff*

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A few weeks went by, and so far he made sure not to punish the kids unfairly the way he was taught when he was a kid himself. He always received the ruler for every mistake he made when he was a youngling himself. He was punished by his elementary teacher and his own father! His mother was against it all, but there was nothing she could ever do to stop it. He was an only child, sadly, so he didn't have a clue on how to communicate correctly to kids. Once he was a Senior at his high school, his favorite math teacher taught him on how to teach kids and learn how to deal with their problems. He had to practice teaching 1st-5th graders for at least a couple of months. He succeeded(not whacking any kids with rulers in the process, surprisingly!), so his teacher said that he would be a great teacher. He started college at 18 years old and mainly focused on the classes of teaching math to elementary school students. He avoided as much English classes as possible. He finished college when he was 22, and begun to search for any elementary schools to teach in. He found one called There School, and went there to start his job. He taught a big math class with 3rd graders in it. He taught basic math of course, and he gave the kids many practice papers to get them to do better at math. Kids were sadly failing his classes, and he got stressed and got more strict. He got more cold.

Then he slowly went to his father's way of punishment. The ruler.

The one day when all the kids failed their math tests. The one day when he first brandished his ruler. The one day when he swatted a child's poor bottom. He swatted most of them in complete blind rage.

The one and only day when he first got fired by that female principal.

Then, he left that school, There School, and never came back for any reason.

While he moped about his lost job still, when he was 24, he met a very nice woman who immediately ended up being his girlfriend when he turned 25. She exposed about herself fully to Baldi, then he had to do the same thing. He hesitated on telling his past to her, but he did so anyways. Surely she wouldn't be so harsh to him. She mostly covered her mouth in shock at his childhood issues he specifically told her. He told her about wanting to become a math teacher for elementary school kids. Taking college and all, and if it wasn't for his own math teacher, he surely would've never succeeded as a teacher. While teaching at There School, he taught 3rd graders, then lost his cool. He swatted just about every student in the class as they were all failing badly in his class. That was all he said to her, and she looked at him with a disgusted look on her face, and walked away from him.

He followed her, his face feeling pressure like he was about to cry. When he was shedding a tear, she went right back to him and said, "If you want us to work out, then do you promise to stay away from all kids as much as possible?"

He nodded quickly without thinking twice about it.

"We are never going to have kids anyways, and don't ever teach any, got that?" She growled.

"B-but, it's the only job that I look forward to!" Baldi cried.

"No, just no. You'd just hurt more kids. I don't want my future husband to become a monster like his father once was." She sighed when Baldi didn't know what else to say, then she walked away.

Right after that, they lived together at her apartment. Far away from any school. Far away from almost anything else, to be exact. She kept him safe at all times, kept him away from any trouble he could get himself into.

They stayed together for 5 years, but never got married. Neither of them ever thought to marry. She was too obsessed with keeping him in her apartment. Once he was 30, he got sick of staying there, so he secretly found a school to work at. She argued with him to not go there, she warned that he could end up hurting more kids, but he didn't care anymore. All he wanted was to teach more math. He just wanted to get better at it. Once he went there, she left him within the blink of an eye.

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