Halloween Party! :D *Surprise Later On*

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(By the way, this isn't a part of the A-Z Moments, but it kinda is a continuation of Part P. Also, I know, a bit late for Halloween. Sorry about that.)

"Everyone, get ready for the Halloween party!" Principal announced on the speaker for everyone in school to hear. "Because we all should have a great time together. We rarely ever do in this almost empty schoolhouse. So, are we all ready? Then let's roll!"

Everyone cheered in unison as they went to separate classrooms to put on their costumes(There are no bathrooms, that is why they have to do this in classrooms. Lol.).

One by one, each kid had their own unique costume. Even the staff did too. Playtime dressed up as a princess with a long flowing red dress. For once, she had her hair neatly brushed for the celebration. It was a rarity for her to care for her own hygiene. She even cared enough to wear fancy red high heels! Bully dressed up as a huge creepy pumpkin that everyone made sure to stay away from. Its mouth even moved up and down in a slow motion! Player dressed up as his favorite fictional character: Sonic The Hedgehog. Everyone thought of him as the most adorable kid in the school that day. He blushed at their compliments. Friend was a vampire. He had his usual notebooks but instead they had contained creepy love letters to everyone in the school as a joke to have all of them shake in their shoes but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Of course, you know how Arts And Crafters dressed up as... yes, that's right, he was a ghost. Considering he never talked that much, and he already kinda looked like one... yeah. He was cut out for it. 1st Prize was terminator, cause... I don't know, they both are robots. Now, the staff's costumes: Baldi dressed up as a scientist, Principal dressed up as a wizard, and Mr. Sweepers dressed up as a lollipop, considering he was a broom... yeppers.

The cafeteria was the area where everyone celebrated with music, candy in bowls, tricks, other foods, and presentations as to why each person chose their costume. It was really fun, and funny. One time, Mr. Sweepers swept across the lunchroom, and shouted, "LOOKS LIKE IT'S SUCKING TIME! GOTTA SUCK SUCK SUCK!" Well, he was a lollipop, so...

"Oh my..." Princi facepalmed.

Baldi giggled as he then continued on messing with fake brews.

Everyone else just laughed until they almost heaved up their candy. Luckily, no one did.

Once the party ended, it was only the staff and the robot in the cafeteria as Mr. Sweepers was sweeping up all the trash and bits of candy that was left behind. Principal and Baldi finally had their chance to communicate to each other.

"Hello, Baldimore.~ Did you have a fabulous good ol time at this party?" Princi winked.

"Of course I did, my lovely wizard.~" Baldi winked back as he and Princi began to hug each other hard. 1st Prize and Mr. Sweepers left the area for good as the gay couple looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.

"Do you want me to cast my special spell onto you?~" Principal bobbed his eyebrows.

"Nah, magic doesn't work. However, would you like to try my love potion?~" Baldi smirked.

"You just want to be able to do the maths, is that it?" Princi had a grin plastered on his face.

"Well, you are right. Science is all about the maths, sometimes." Baldi chuckled.

Princi did the same. 

Then, they continued on looking at each other.

"Hey, Baldimore.~" Princi began.

"What is it, my dear wizard?~" Baldi smiled.

"We had so much fun together, you know? And considering it was your idea, I thought that maybe you were in need of a special gift.~" Princi purred.

"Oh, what could it be?~" Baldi's heart quickened in pace.

"It is your favorite chocolate bar, Heath." Principal gave the bar to his small teacher.

Baldi opened it without hesitation, then slid a 1/4 of the bar into his mouth. A few seconds passed as he chewed and chewed, with Princi waiting for his small boyfriend's reaction on his toes.

Then, Baldi began to cough. He fanned at his mouth, his eyes tearing up and his face turning beet red in shock and a bit of pain.

"So Baldi, do you like it?~" Principal smirked, then couldn't hold his composure, so he laughed hard. Baldi's eyes glared daggers at his bigger boyfriend as Princi began to have tears to his eyes as well from all the laughing.

"*cough* Well, of course *cough* not! I hate it!" Baldi spat the rest of it out in a nearby trash can. "What the hell did you put in this chocolate?"

"I dipped the whole bar in the spiciest hot sauce I know, and vuala! I've created your favorite spicy Heath bar!" Princi cackled. "I let the whole thing dry, of course."

"Goddamnit, Principal..." Baldi grumbled as the heat in his mouth died down completely, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't look at Principal's eyes for a little while.

"Baldi, it was to get revenge for you spanking me. I had to do it. It was too tempting." Princi sighed, then slouched his shoulders, worried that Baldi hated him for good.

Luckily, that wasn't the case.

"Princi..." Baldi muttered as he finally looked up at his boyfriend, "Maybe I did deserve some revenge sent my way. I didn't really act normal then, did I?" He sighed.

"No, you didn't. You kinda acted like a completely different person."

A few seconds passed.

"Baldi, so it's a truce for our relationship? No more competition for who's stronger than the other?" Principal asked hopefully.

"Yeah. It is." Baldi smiled up at his silly boyfriend as Princi wrapped his arm around Baldi's shoulders. "Maybe you should've been the mad scientist tonight. With dipping chocolate in hot sauce and all." Baldi giggled.

"Oh, you are so silly." Princi shook his head.

"I could say the same for you." Baldi huffed as they finally both exited the school and walked home with their two children by their sides.

(Ayy, uh, I guess you could say that they are having a 'spicy' relationship. ;)

(Welp... I'm done now...)

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