Detention For You! *NSFW/Spanking Fetish*

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*Spanking kink is involved in this part!*

'Is it just me, or has it gone by that quick?' Baldi thought as he realized as he woke up in his bed that today was the last day of summer school. In a couple of weeks, real school time will be happening again. Baldi's second full year of teaching math to all kids in different grades.

'This year will be Bully's last year of Here School, then he will be going to a middle school. Crazy life!' Baldi sighed at his own thoughts as he drug himself out of bed and mentally prepared himself for the last day of summer school. He always hated last days because they always drug themselves on by in Baldi's opinion. He just wanted to be home on the last day.

As Baldi was driving to the schoolhouse, he thought more about the other kids for the new school year. 'Player will be a 5th grader, Arts and Crafters a 5th grader, Friend a 5th grader, and Playtime will be a 3rd grader!' Once he entered the schoolhouse, Principal was already there in his sight, like he was waiting for him this whole time. Of course, he was.

"Principal, what is it you need?" Baldi asked as they heard a distant SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP! 

"Oh, nothing, just glad to see you on the last day, is all." Baldi knew Principal had something more to say, but he let it slide.

Then Baldi remembered what happened yesterday between him and Principal.

"O-ok, Princi, I am glad t-to see you too." Baldi stammered. He quickly ran to his classroom without slowing down.

"Baaaldiii! No running in the haaalls!" Principal teased as he easily caught up to his one and only favorite teacher. "But since you need to finish teaching, I'll let this one slide.~" Then the Principal left to his office.

'Damn, today must be his best day.' Baldi thought as Bully and Player entered the room and sat in their usual spots.

"Alright, boys! Today is going to be very simple. Problem one. 0 × 0 is?"

"0!" Player answered, his voice full of energy.

"Wow, you're doing fantaaastiiic." Baldi's voice rolled with happiness and sarcasm at the same time. "Now kiddos, what is 0 + 0?"

"0." Bully answered in a bored tone.

"0-0?" Baldi winked with tease.

"0." Bully rolled his eyes, but the edges of his mouth struggled to stay down.

"And last but not least, what is 0 ÷ 0?" Baldi smirked. He knew it was a question that would possibly trick any elementary student, so if they got it wrong, he would just correct it for them.

"Is it 0?" Player asked.

"Nope." Baldi said calmly. Both the boys expected him to be angry, but he wasn't even close to feeling disappointed! He expected them to get it wrong!

"It is undefined." Baldi said.

"Why?" Bully asked.

"Would you give no cookies to friends you don't have?" Baldi raised an eyebrow, hoping they understood.

"You wouldn't." Player answered.

"Exactly! You also can't divide any number by zero because you wouldn't have any other number to divide them with. It would all just be undefined."

"Weird." Bully muttered.

The bell rang.

"This is your last lunch time for you guys, then after a week goes by, you will be back here in no time!" Baldi beamed as he seized his ruler and lunchbox and trudged out the classroom to the cafeteria. Of course, the boys followed suit. They entered the room, sat at their same table, and waited to see the Principal struggle with the broom like he had everyday for the past couple months.

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