Call For Summer School *Major Fluff! ^~^*

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"Hmm, so it seems Bully and one new boy is coming here for summer school." Principal said as he saw two emails from two different families letting the school faculty know that those certain kids were gonna need to fix their grades so they'd be able to move up a grade.

"Why is a new kid coming here for summer school? Wouldn't he go to his original school for summer classes?" Baldi was genuinely confused.

"I... don't know, Baldi. Maybe we can figure-"

The Principal's phone rang and he picked it up to answer it.

"Hello, who is this?" He asked as Baldi stuck his ear closer to the phone.

"Hi, uh, this is the new summer student's mother calling, and I just need to explain what I meant in that email.

So, the reason why he is coming here is because his math teachers all hate his guts. They say he is impossible to work with, especially with the bigger work they give him, so they decided that he would come here to be taught better. And to be honest, they are kind of true about that. You see, my boy is kind of shy, but he usually can work really well with a couple other students with no trouble, he just can't do some of the difficult classes, like his math and science ones. I hope you can see through his issue and have him come to terms with the other kids. I would hate to have him fall behind because of two subjects, especially with math.

Well, now that you know all about him, I hope you all can be prepared for his arrival. Okay?"

"Okay. Ma'am, we'll have it all under control." Principal assured without hesitation.

"Oh, thank you! I hope it's good luck for my little boy! He's gonna become a 5th grader after these summer school classes. Hope you have a great summer!" The mother said.

"I wish the same to you. Goodbye."


Then, she hung up.

"Hmm, very strange situation. Has this ever happened to you before? That never has for me." Baldi asked.

"I think this is the first time that something like this has happened to me." Principal admitted.

"Well, let's hope he is somewhat better than the bully." Baldi muttered under his breath, not meaning for the Principal to hear him.

"Hey, Baldimore. You can't talk about students like this."

"I-I know, but can you agree?"

"... I suppose. He is a bit of trouble, but he's still a kid, you know?"

The summer bell rung through the halls outside of the office.

"The day has already begun! Baldi, all you have to do is help two kids, the new boy and Bully. It shouldn't be too difficult from there on out. As long as you don't have to punish them too physically, your summer shall go by like a breeze. I believe in you, Baldimore." Principal beamed as Baldi blushed at the sudden amount of positivity he was receiving from his boss.

Baldi left the office and waited for the two boys near the entrance.


The boy stood there and looked up nervously at the sign on the school that said 'Here School'.

'Um, that seems a bit... odd of a name.' He thought as he slowly opened the entrance and stepped inside the school building.

Already, one big boy seemed to be there in the new boy's sight. He looked like a bully that no one would mess with. Of course, the new one was right. The big bully stomped towards the new student and, what sounded like a tease in his voice, said, "Hey, give me something great."

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