Hellish Reality *Loads Of Angst And Some Fluff/NSFW*

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*A few months later into December in a Winter-looking environment.*

Principal and Baldi laid together in bed in their usual position, with Principal spooning him from behind. Except... something seemed slightly different. Baldi felt something throbbing a little against his behind as he moved a little to get a bit more comfortable. He attempted to avoid the hard thing as he closed his eyes to try to get a little more sleep. Principal moaned a little as he woke up and realized that he had a hard on against his boyfriend's behind! He couldn't believe that he would wake up like this, let alone Baldi not getting bothered by it whatsoever! Or, at least trying to.

He rubbed his lover's behind a little bit, not too much for Baldi to take notice. He was surprised that he and Baldi never got it on these past few months at all, but that was because Baldi wasn't so sure about wanting to get it on so quickly. Of course, Principal rubbed again.

"Ahhh.~" Principal loved the feeling of Baldi's small posterior as he desperately continued on grinding in between the boxer covered cheeks. Baldi finally was fully awake as he felt Princi's hard cock rubbing up and down on his bottom. That began to turn Baldi on immediately as he groaned in realization of the whole situation he was in.

Principal almost stopped completely when he heard the girly moans of his boyfriend taking pleasure to the grinding he was giving him.

"P-Princi?" Baldi stammered, his face beet red in complete humiliation.

"S-Sorry, I can't hold back a-anymore." Principal grunted as he never stopped grinding his boyfriend's rear.

"W-What?" Baldi quivered in fear and shock as Principal didn't even attempt to slow down in the slightest.

"Baldi, we have been together for almost a year and a half. That is ten times longer than when my ex girlfriend and I have been together. We've only been together for a month, and we already started bumping uglies. No regrets, no questions, we just did it. Of course, there were regrets when our relationship ended. I never had anyone else after her except for you now."

"That doesn't sound like true love. You kind of sound like you are getting back to your old ways when you were with her." Baldi sighed as Principal finally stopped to listen, even though it was painful for both of them to stop at this point. "And you wonder why I don't want to get too close to people at all. All everyone wants to do is to get it on for the sake of getting it on. All people want is pleasure for themselves, nothing else. Where is the love, the romance, in that? Where is the permanent companionship I've been looking for? Well, ever since you explained that to me, now I've come to the realization that perhaps you are only here just to be 'bumping uglies' with me. And if that is why you have been trying to bond with me for almost a year and a half, then I say it would be for the best if I left this relationship for good." 

"Baldimore, roll over to face me. Now." Principal's demanding tone was more than enough to let Baldi know that he had no other choice but to obey his questionable boyfriend.

Baldi rolled over, then asked, "What is it?"

"Did you know that people learn from their mistakes? Well, I did. My ex taught me a lot. She said that if I wanted to have a future family for good, then I would have to know how to personally bond with my lover first before anything else. Baldi, that is what I have been doing with you. Because if I wasn't trying, I would've fucked you the first month we were together. Like I said earlier, We've been together for almost a year and a half! That has GOT to mean something to you." Princi sighed.

"I-I don't know how I feel about this." Baldi shook his head as he freed himself from Principal's grasp and walked over to the bathroom to get washed up.

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