New Home! :) *Fluff/Some NSFW/Limes Later On*

688 12 33

*Middle Of February*

"Okay! Playtime, what is 3 × 0?" Baldi asked whilst pointing his ruler at her.

"0!" She grinned with excitement as Baldi exclaimed, "Correct!" Then he pointed towards Player's direction, and asked, "Now Player, what is 0 ÷ 0?"

"Undefined." Player smiled.

"You all make me so proud!" Baldi gushed as he held his ruler tightly to his chest in wonder as Principal stood at the doorway, watching with interest and happiness to the whole situation.

"Bully, what is 6 ÷ 2 × 4?" Baldi asked.


"Son, remember PEMDAS." Principal suddenly spoke from the doorway.

"Principal! What are you doing here?" Baldi wondered.

"I am just waiting desperately until the last bell rings." Princi admitted. "Then, it will be a weekend!"

"Fair enough!" Baldi said.

"Is it 12?" Bully murmured.

"Yes! You got it!" Baldi congratulated as the bell finally rung, letting the others know to leave the schoolhouse for the weekend. All the kids sped out, but not too quick to the point of running. Bully and Playtime waited outside as usual as both of their dads were packing up. Mr. Sweepers remained in the closet and 1st Prize stayed off and silent in Principal's office/detention room.

"Do you have any papers to grade, baby?" Principal asked.

"No. Surprisingly, I don't." Baldi muttered, completely flabbergasted as Princi held his hand, then they left the locked school and went home with their two kids. As usual, Baldi's furless cats and Princi's male golden retriever greeted the whole family at the front door as they all proceeded to the living room to talk about their day at school. Princi had a plan all along for a week or so, and it was able to succeed quite well.

"Guys, guess what?" All eyes landed on Principal.

"What is it, Princi?" Baldi asked.

"We are moving to a new 3 floor house. We don't really need this 2 floor house anymore. This was all kept as a surprise for you all." Principal grinned as Playtime cheered, Bully smirked, and Baldi cried out in surprise and excitement while the dog and cats meowed and barked along with them all.

"Thanks, daddy!" Playtime hugged Principal's legs tight while Bully quickly hugged around their dad's torso.

"No problem. Anything for you guys, I will make sure to do it." Principal promised. He winked at Baldi. Baldi blushed and looked down at his clasped hands, never feeling so happy before in his life.

"Alright, we better pack up our stuff, especially our pets. Then we book it to that new house." Principal said, then everyone began packing up. Baldi placed his kitties in separate cages while Princi did the same for his dog. Once everyone was done, they all left to the new house in no time.

Once the unpacking was done, it ended up being 9:00 pm. 

"Alright, Playtime, Bully. Time for bed." Princi ordered. Playtime nodded and Bully groaned as they both went up the first flight of stairs, then the second set, and went into their bedrooms on the third floor. The extra bedrooms for the guests were on the second floor.

"Hey, Princi, thanks for planning all of this, even if you never told me, it still was a very thoughtful plan. Now we get to share our pay for this house!" Baldi sighed.

"Exactly one of the biggest reasons why I decided to find a new house for us. Three floors is more than enough for 3 pets and 2 kids, including 2 very gay adults." Principal smirked as Baldi sniggered.

"You know what, Princi? You deserve a very good prize.~"

"Oh? And what's that?~" 


"A shiny quarter, but also some whaps.~"

"Wait... what?" Princi's mind felt like it shut down.

"I will be your blowie.~" Baldi licked his lips.

"... Yes?" Princi still didn't get it!

"I crave to bob some knob.~" Baldi bit his bottom lip in a sexy manner, ruining a bit of his cherry flavored red lipstick.

"... Baldi, are ya trying to seduce me? Cause if you are, I wouldn't understand why or how you would with what you are saying." Princi admitted.

"Here, let me keep on trying... I want to do your head.~" Baldi winked.

"Alright, I kinda get it now..." Princi assured.

"I'm gonna head-bang ya til you beg.~" Baldi moaned, running his hands down the sides of his face and lips.

Principal finally began to blush.

"You know how I produce music from you?~ It works if I play your flute skin.~" Baldi sighed as he got on his knees in front of Princi's legs.

"B-Baldi, who would've ever thought that you could have such a potty mouth!" Princi exclaimed in shock.

"Oh, you haven't seen the rest of me yet, babe.~" Baldi began to unzip his bigger boyfriend's pants, then asked, "May I deep throat that beautiful 8-inch cock of yours?~"

"Do whatever you please.~" Princi finally got into the sexual role.

"And I might as well do whatever I want, too.~" Baldi teased the cock that got free from Princi's boxers.

Then, the ultimate, intimate sucking began.

After a few minutes of doing it, Baldi stopped, then asked as Princi whined a little, "Are you enjoying your sucky-fucky?"

"A lot, Baldimore.~" Principal sighed as Baldi continued on doing it.

As Principal sprayed his love juices in Baldi's mouth, then Princi began to take control. He seized Baldi by the shoulders, then delicately laid his baby bald boi on his back on their bed.

As Princi lightly ran the tips of his fingers up and down Baldi's already twitching cock, Baldi began to moan in a girly, loud kind of way.

Principal then placed his cock back in his boxers, then zipped up his pants. He then proceeded to rub his now clothed bigger cock against his boyfriend's smaller clothed cock.

"OH!~ AH!~ K-Kennith, you are such a killer!~" Baldi moaned to the point where he began to cry as Princi rubbed harder and faster.

Their cocks were throbbing desperately as Principal never stopped rubbing and rubbing against his boyfriend's cute cock. They got so desperate that they had to hold hands. Princi used his other hand to grip the bed and Baldi used his other hand to hold onto the side of his face and lips.

"AAAH!~ KENNIIIIITH!!!~" Baldi screamed out and cried a bit as they both squirted our their love juices deep within their pants. 

Baldi blushed at the realization that they both got their pants dirty. Princi sniggered as he said, "We have been extra naughty tonight, haven't we?~" Baldi laughed as he said, "Y-Yeah, we have."


"Thank you Baldi for that cute prize you gave me." Principal laughed as Baldi giggled, his face getting beet red.

"No problem, Princi. And thanks for doing me too."

They both laid in bed under the covers in fits of laughter as Principal did his usual routine: spoon Baldi from behind.

"I love you baby, and I hope living here is going to be amazing for all of us." Principal muttered in Baldi's ear.

"Love you, and I hope so too." Then they both moved a bit to get more comfortable, then they fell asleep in no time.

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