Guardians *Fluff! ^_^*

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*A couple weeks into the school year.*

Baldi had always been saddened to know that his students still remembered about his fire situation. As he stared down at his desk in thought while his students worked on their classwork, he realized that he sometimes still thought that he was in his house whenever he woke up in his boyfriend's bed. It saddened him so that he still hadn't got used to living in someone else's home. He did not want to have to tell his new boyfriend that he was troubled about living in his lover's place. It could hurt Principal a lot if Baldi decided to tell him that. Baldi's sleep pattern was off, even if Principal held him in his arms every night they slept together. If Baldi dared tell his boss that fact, then Princi may get disappointed and not love him anymore.

The lunch bell rang. The day felt too slow for Baldi. He sighed as he let the kids go first for once. They all looked at him worriedly, especially Player and Arts as they proceeded out through the dark blue classroom door to the cafeteria.

Everyone was in the cafeteria, Principal noticed as he skimmed through the whole room. Even Mr. Sweepers and 1st Prize was in the area. Then Principal realized that Baldi was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria. He told everyone to stay in the cafe for the time being as he trudged over to all the classrooms to find Baldi. He hoped that Baldi didn't disappear.

Principal finally found the classroom that Baldi was in, and what he saw was quite worrying and disturbing all at once. Baldi was just sitting at his desk, staring straight ahead at a wall while still sitting on his desk chair. Almost as if he was teaching a class, except his eyes looked empty like he was looking into endless nothingness. His eyes looked baggy. This was the first time Principal noticed how stressed and depressed Baldi looked.

Principal remained in the doorway, then asked, "Baldi, are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay, Kennith?" Baldi snapped, actually using his boss's real name in anger and annoyance.

"Baldi," Principal sighed, "You should talk about this if it is bothering you that much."

Baldi only shrugged, this time glaring down at the table.

"Is it about the fire?" 

"... Y-Yes." Then Baldi spilled the beans. "I feel as if I should've just stayed home that day and made sure that everything would remain safe."

"Baldi, you have no control over everything that happens. That's just the way life is. None of this is your fault. I am here to help you every step of the way. But if you continue on backing away from me and the others like this, then I may change my mind. I will not leave you of course, but I will leave you on your own on this issue if I have to." Principal's eyes pierced ever so much into Baldi's as the almost bald teacher began to think hard about this situation.

"... You know what, we should talk more about this. It will help me."

"Good." Principal had a light smile as he waited for Baldi to finish his darker, deeper thoughts into speech instead of mind.

"Because of that stupid fire, and ever since I moved into your place, I've felt like I have become a burden to you instead of a boyfriend. Like me and my girlfriend. I was her burden that she was trying to fix, but failed, and now it's happening again. You and I. The fire destroyed my house, and now I live here. Now you have to pay a lot extra because of me. It's also not just because of financial issues, but because I may become like my father still. Even my mother. So much bad could happen between us all because of me that... I don't think we could ever be a stable couple. Everything is always my fault. The fire may not be, but everything else was caused because of ME. Everything I do, touch, anything just gets ruined in a millisecond. I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up using my ruler unjustly towards one of my students. I am a disappointment, a wreck, but worst of all, a cruel teacher, just how my parents and my elementary teacher was." Baldi gasped as he hid his face in his hands and began to silently sob.

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