Kennith's Childhood(Including Baldi's) *Fluff/Funnies*

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*Into the middle of January*

Principal and Baldi drove home with Playtime and Bully in the backseats of the car, playing with a pack of cards. The car parked on the driveway, and the four of them entered their home. Playtime seized Bully's wrist as they both bolted up the stairs with the excited dog, Sparky, following after them. Principal, Baldi and the two hairless cats rested in the living room. The cats were on a couch as the gay couple were on the other couch, with Baldi resting his head on Princi's shoulder.

"Hey, Baldi. What do you think we should do? Today is Friday. We cannot waste the opportunity." Principal asked.

"Uhhh... We should talk more about ourselves. If that's okay with you." Baldi suggested, his head still on his boyfriend's hard shoulder.

"Yeah, we haven't talked as much as we liked about our pasts. So, should I go first?" 

"Yes, you should. I told a little more about myself to you more than you ever did to me. So, it is only fair if you begin first." Baldi decided.

"Alright. I suppose it would be better if we showed each other our old pictures of ourselves just to help us understand our pasts better. What do you think?" Principal asked.

"That would be perfect!" Baldi beamed as he got up and started searching in his stuff for his old family pictures while Princi did the same thing. Once they both made it to the couch with a decent amount of pics in their hands, Princi exposed his first pic of when he was a baby. There was only little bits of light brown hair on his head as there was also a light blue pacifier in his small mouth. He looked to be about only a month old.

"Oh my god! You were so adorable then!" Baldi squealed, his hands covering his mouth.

"Yes, indeed I was. Now here is a pic when I was 1 or 2 years old." Principal took out a pic when he was standing between his two parents, their picture being taken. Younger Princi seemed to be looking up at his mother instead of looking at the camera. Well, he was only a toddler, after all.

"There was a nice woman who took the picture for us. My mom always gushed over anything nice that people ever did for us. She was always so kind hearted and emotional." Principal sighed as he and his boyfriend goggled over the picture once more.

"My mother was always emotional, but I'm not sure if she was kind hearted or not." Baldi said as Princi moved onto the next pic.

Before Principal could show the picture, he added, "My father was quite stern, but he had a kind soul too. Very overprotective as well."

"Just like how you are over Playtime, right?" Baldi beamed when Princi laughed.

"Yes, yes. You are right. Playtime is our special cinnamon roll." Then Principal flipped over the picture. "This was when I was 5 years old. I loved playing baseball with my father. He was the best at it, of course. I was really good at it during High School."

"Wow! Your hair looked cute back then!" Baldi giggled.

"Yeah, that's when my hair really began to get crazy." Princi sniggered as he moved onto the 4th picture. "Then, I was getting stitches on my knee when I injured myself during a baseball game at my middle school. I was in 8th grade at the time."

"You grew a lot, Princi!" Baldi said.

"Yes, I was always tall, like my father. I still am now. I am taller than you after all." Princi smirked as Baldi huffed.

"Now, the last picture." Princi said as he flipped it over. "This was when I was graduating from High School. I look... kind of stupid in this one. My hair was always too crazy to smooth out. Now, I have a bit more control over it, but back in my childhood, nothing seemed to work for my horrid hair."

"Hey! At least you have hair!" Baldi exclaimed.

"Oh Yeah! I forgot that I have a more recent pic in my bag. Must've slipped out." Princi muttered as he got up to retrieve it. He got back to Baldi, sat down, then showed the last pic to his small boyfriend.

"This picture was taken a little more than 5 years ago. This was when I was 25 or 24 years old. It's me running track. One of my male friends did track with me, and they took that picture of me so I could keep it as a memory." Princi sighed as he held on tight to the pic, remembering the good ol days.

*By the way, Princi is now 31 and Baldi is 30*

"Y-You looked so... h-hot." Baldi stammered, his face beet red.

"Do I still look hot now?" Princi winked while Baldi gulped.

"Uh... as a matter of fact, you do look even hotter now. That is because you have a bit of wrinkles on your forehead and a teensy bit under your eyes. It makes you look older and more mature. That is why I think you look hotter now. You still seem to have the strength now as you did back then." Baldi admitted without any hesitation that time.

"Awww! Thanks!" Principal hugged Baldi tight around his waist.

"No problem, Princi." Baldi hugged him back around the back of his neck, then he let go of him, then said, "My turn now."

"Go right ahead." Principal spoke.

"Okay, so here's my first pic. I was only 3 when my mom took our picture. My dad and I. We were a team back then. It wasn't until 2nd grade until everything changed for the worst." Baldi explained as he moved onto his 2nd pic. "Now this was when I was 8. I looked a bit depressed only because my father and my teacher just first began to abuse me for the sake of failing my math problems. My last pic consists of me graduating at my High School. Only my grandparents were there. My parents never made it."

"Oh wow, that sucks." Princi exhaled in sadness at the whole situation.

"I know." Baldi murmured as Princi noticed an extra picture sliding down away from Baldi's other 3 pictures.

"Hey, Baldi. What's that spare one you have right there?" Principal asked.

"U-Uh... i-it's nothing."

"... Uh-huh. So I'm supposed to believe that, eh?"

"... Y-Yeah?"

"... Show it to me, I'm curious."

"I-It's nothing important."

"... Baldi, I showed you all of my embarrassing pics, now you have to do the same if you want us to trust each other more."

"... Ok, ok! Fine. Please don't laugh, though. Please?"


"... Do you at least promise me you won't laugh?"

"... I never make promises, Baldi."

"Ugh, fine. Here you go." Baldi showed his actual last pic to his boyfriend, and of course, Princi giggled at the sight.

"You had an afro!?"

"Ahhh, I knew you would laugh!" Baldi groaned as he hid his face in his hands.

"Sorry, I just think it's weird seeing you have an afro considering I am used to seeing you bald my whole life. You know?"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. My college friends shaved off most of my hair as a joke."

"... You're kidding, right?" Principal looked slightly disappointed about the way his friends treated his precious bald boi.

"We were just having fun. I swear." Baldi assured the best he could.

"... Alright, Baldimore. Whatever ya say."

Baldi flinched at his full name being said out of the blue.

"Okay, we might as well put our pictures away, then maybe we can sleep for a little bit on the couch before supper arrives. What do ya say?" Baldi said.

"Perfect. Fine by me." Princi stretched his arms up as he and Baldi got up and stuffed their pics back inside their bags. They returned to the couch, and Baldi cuddled up tightly on Princi's lap.

"Let's hope we have a good nap, shall we?" Princi whispered soothingly in Baldi's ear.

"Yes. Let's." Baldi sighed as he laid his head on Princi's chest.

Before they knew it, they both began to snore.

*Sorry that I took a bit long in finishing this part. :/*

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