Orgasmic Day Off~ *HEAVY LEMON/NSFW*

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Luckily, it was a day off for everyone who went to Here School, and what made it even better was that it was Friday! 

Playtime and Bully stayed up in their bedroom with two separate beds as they both played videogames together. Good thing was was that they were up in the 3rd floor, since Principal was getting a bit too flirty towards Baldi.

The pets were hanging out on the 2nd floor as the cute gay couple were in their bedroom on the 1st floor. Principal couldn't stop admiring Baldi's forever unchanging oynx eyes as he kept on massaging one of Baldi's hips. Baldi was on top of Princi on the bed as it all was happening.

"H-Hey, Princi." Baldi stammered from ecstasy as Princi's throbbing cock was riding against his clothed anus. "Are you actually w-wanting to fuck me again?"

"Heh, why not?~" Principal purred as his 8 inch cock was getting more desperate on wanting to thrust into his small boyfriend.

"Ah.~ W-We're so lucky that we bought a three floor house." Baldi moaned as Princi's cock wouldn't stop massaging his sensitive clothed hole.

"Yeah.~" Princi said, and didn't say more as he teased Baldi's hole nonstop.

"Are the kids in their bedroom?" Baldi moaned with pleasure and worry.

"Yeah.~" Princi repeated. "We shouldn't worry about them. Our bedroom door is locked, babe." 

"O-Okay." Baldi bit his lip as Princi wouldn't stop the tantalizing movements. Baldi got so desperate that he started riding rough on his bigger boyfriend's thick cock. 

"Oooh yeah.~ Keep on doing that, ya naughty boy.~" Princi purred as he slapped Baldi's ass once, moving right in the rhythm with Baldi's pace.

"Ahhh!~" Baldi cummed in his tight blue jeans, his cock and balls throbbing through the clothing as it squirted out his love juices. His spine never had such a great coursing feeling as he did then. 

"You dirtied your pants again, huh?~" Principal tsked as he seized Baldi by the shoulders, then lifted him without having his small boyfriend touch the ground by his feet as they both got up from the bed. "Welp, it looks like I need to punish you.~" Principal dropped Baldi onto his back onto their bed, then Princi laid on his stomach in front of Baldi's closed legs. Princi opened his boyfriend's beyond skinny legs then began to unzip Baldi's pants.

"O-Oh my!" Baldi exclaimed. "I always get nervous when you see me naked."

"Why? You look very cute and juicy and hot to me.~ How could I not enjoy your nude look?~" Princi winked as Baldi blushed. Baldi covered his face in his hands once Princi got Baldi's pants and boxers taken off.

"No, don't be afraid. Please, I want to see that adorable little face of yours, Baldimore.~" Once again, Principal said Baldi's full name in that deep, husky sexy voice of his that he only preserved for his bald boi.

That did get Baldi turned on as he spread his legs open for the whole world to see if their window was open.

"Wooow, now that is a sight to see.~" Princi licked his lips, then he gave one small quick lick on Baldi's tip.

"OoOoH!~" Baldi's whole body and voice shook as he didn't expect Princi to make a move that quickly.

"You want more, ya naughty boy?~" Princi teased as he fondled Baldi's sack and licked the slit without stopping.

"OH YES!~ Please show me what ya got!~" Baldi lost it as he bit his lip hard, blood and some spit oozing down his chin, including his red lipstick.

So, Princi did exactly that. He duck his head so low that his chin laid against the bed, then he began to give little teasing laps of the tongue across Baldi's sensitive anus ring. Baldi moaned as Princi did not slow down one bit. As a matter of fact, he transitioned to eating up Baldi's star without any gentleness whatsoever. Baldi never felt so pleasured and alive before in his life that his eyes began to roll to the back of his head like he lost his soul. Before he could cum, Principal sat up onto his knees, grabbed Baldi's knees, wrapped his smaller boyfriend's legs around his muscular torso, then he slowly inserted his penis into his boyfriend's throbbing hole.

"AH!~" Baldi was startled at the sudden extra pleasure that after that, it was the only time he actually felt awake. It was like he fell asleep once his manly boyfriend thrusted at the same speed into his fiery anus over and over.

Nothing could stop them at this point. Not even a robber could distract them from their intense love-making. The stars Baldi were seeing, the tightness of his anus around Princi's cock made the brown-haired man lose it himself in his own way. No words could describe or even suffice how impressively amazing their constant thrusts were together. They were always in sync with each other's movements like they've done this multiple times. They haven't, of course. This was only their second time doing this specific moment together. And, as their pleasures got bigger and bigger, they believed that the feeling would never cease to exist.

"Baldimore.~" Principal grunted in delicious, husky pleasure.

"K-Kennith!~" Baldi's girlish moans were enough to have Princi cum hard into Baldi's small, pink tight anus with more than enough loads of fresh semen that could last for hours in a cup to drink from. (Ew... is that too weird for ya guys? XD)

Baldi then also cummed onto his and Princi's chests. There was definitely not as much semen as there was from Princi, but more than enough for his bigger boyfriend to want to eat up whole. 

When Principal made licks up and down Baldi's chest, cleaning all the excess semen he did not want to miss. Baldi's penis began to prickle with pleasure once again.

Principal winked, and Baldi knew from there that this was not going to end anytime soon.

Princi laid on his stomach once more, then began to tickle Baldi's tip in the most torturous fashion he could ever come up with. Baldi tightened a palm against his mouth in undeniable pleasure as Princi continued to finger Baldi's anus once more, but only with one finger that time. Baldi wished for it all to end, but at the same time he wanted it to be endless. 

Princi only teased the tip with his right index while his left hand held down both of Baldi's wrists onto Baldi's skinny chest with not too much ab. There was only mostly silence that time, and maybe a few girly moans here and there from Baldi as Princi played with his boyfriend's smaller dick with no breaks whatsoever. It was the most torturing moment of Baldi's life that he began to wiggle his whole torso up towards Princi's raised palm, wanting and begging for more teasing gentle strokes from his gentle giant of a boyfriend. Princi grinned, then started gently sliding his fingernail across the open slit. Baldi began to scream and cry out at that point as he never felt such a torturous, painful pleasure in his life. Principal actually went quicker and quicker with his flawless movements, and Baldi cummed hard all over both of them. Baldi was shaky, whimpery, and tired at that point as he just remained laid there, looking up at his stronger boyfriend's beautiful but fierce hazel eyes.

Baldi sighed as if all of his worries went away for good, then began to fall asleep on the bed without warning. Princi smiled at the cute sight as he laid pushed up against Baldi's behind. They both were still naked, but they didn't care as Princi spooned him from behind, covering him and his small, precious bald boi under the blankets, then he fell asleep himself without any trouble whatsoever.

Geez, it must be very tiresome to love all over your partner three times straight!

And if it isn't to you guys, then ya'll be lyin'!

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