Loving For The First Time~ *Loads Of Angst Then Lemon/NSFW Warning Later On*

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*In the beginning of February*

It was a school day on Monday, and no one was having a good time. Not even Playtime! It was the worst Monday yet as everyone literally slacked off in getting into the schoolhouse on time unlike they did every other day. It was quite stressful and disappointing, especially for Baldi and Principal. Perhaps even Mr. Sweepers felt the heavy air within the schoolhouse itself. It was the most depressing day of Here School that everyone has ever witnessed.

It was so horrid that even There School had the nerve to comment upon how depressing their schoolhouse really was. Both schools dared upon a challenge, something that two schools usually never do to each other ever. There School said that they should have a sports challenge of some sort. Baldi, like the over challenging and protecting idiot he was, he decided that he and his school was up for that challenge. Principal berated him for that unnecessary agreement to that demonic school's deadly dare. Baldi avoided his complaints, and just moved on with the rest of the school day as best as he could. It did get slightly better while everyone was in the schoolhouse, but the atmosphere still felt off. He hoped that it would disappear by tomorrow.

Finally, the school day ended, and Princi and Baldi walked with their two precious children back to their home. Once they returned, the atmosphere already lifted, and Playtime actually cheered, and said, "Come on, Bully! Let's play!" And so both of them scrambled up the stairs without looking back at their two dads. 

"Well, Baldimore. Remember, if we fail, it's all on you." Princi warned.

"Got that." Baldi said. He wasn't worried one bit.

"Baldi, I'm serious." Princi grumbled.

"Yes, yes. I know, I know. Schools shouldn't fight like this. But, you know... they started it by mocking us! When we were stressed as hell of all times!"

"Baldi, you agreed to a challenge of theirs, without even caring what it could actually be! Without even caring about the consequences! What were you thinking?"

"They're fools for thinking they can take us down." Baldi cracked his knuckles.

"They CAN take us down, they CAN! They are an actual huge school size. Our school isn't even realistically big enough to even exist as long as we do now. You can't possibly be serious with this!" Princi shook his head in disappointment as Baldi nodded and said, "I meant every decision I made. We either win or fail now."

"Goddamnit, Baldimore." Princi pinched his nose in frustration. "Tonight, you are sleeping on the couch. You do not deserve to sleep with me for all the trouble you have caused us now."

"W-Wait, w-what?" Baldi stammered. His eyes began to get a little wet.

"You heard me. Go to sleep on the couch. NOW."

Baldi's bottom lip quivered as he forced himself not to cry. He laid on the couch as Principal kissed their kids goodnight. Principal then proceeded downstairs into the living room which will lead to his and Baldi's bedroom. Before he could get in there, Baldi looked him square in the eyes, then the shaky teacher attempted to ask, "P-Princi, m-maybe I can explain-"

"No, Baldimore. I can't even stand looking at you tonight. The reason why is that you are possibly destroying our school for good over a silly, stupid ass challenge. I am not having you talk to me either tonight! Surely, you can understand. I am done with you. Goodnight."

Baldi looked at the ground, then he laid down on the couch, struggling to hold his sadness and tears deep inside where it belonged. But once he opened his eyes wide, the tears had to find their way out.

He was wracked with complete stress. Before the sobs could escape, he stuffed his face in a pillow.

He weeped until he fell asleep.

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