Emergency Drill *Deeper Fluff! ;)*

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*A couple weeks later*

Principal and Baldi entered the school to prepare for the first day of school. Principal trudged to his office while Baldi entered into his usual classroom to set up a few things here and there to make it look welcoming. Principal checked his mail and other paperwork, and saw a few new mail to pay attention to. There was one that mentioned about a new robot being sent to their school to be the new Here School idol. The robot's name was 1st Prize because he won 1st place at the science fair. A kid had succeeded at making a well made robot that could hug people and tell them that he loved them. 1st Prize was created at There School. The kid from there promised to bring him here and keep him here as everyone's new idol and friend.

"Hey, Baldi! We have someone new coming here! He's not a human though, he's a robot. A robot that loves everyone and wants to hug everyone he sees." Principal shouted out from his office.

"Whoa, really Princi?" Baldi said as he appeared in the doorway.

"Yes, really." Principal confirmed.

"Why are they bringing him here?" Baldi frowned in confusion.

"Because There School complained about having to keep a robot there that would disrupt their whole school from learning. Secondly, the boy who created 1st Prize said he was junk anyways." Principal shrugged his shoulders.

"Wow..." Baldi muttered. "I was never too crazy about that school. The people there seemed too cold and rude anyways. Poor robot. His own owner doesn't even want to keep him! What type of school do they think they are?" Baldi shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, they are definitely a bigger and more well maintained school." Principal admitted.

"Hey! So what if we are small? At least we don't throw out our friends to other schools for crying out loud! I know he's just a robot, but still... what if they actually did that to their own students?"

"Baldi, you know that that is a ridiculous possibility. Secondly, he is just a robot. It was kind of nice of them to give us someone extra, even if he is being treated horribly for it." Principal raised an index.

"Well, they did throw Player to us, even if it was just summer school, right?" Baldi reminded.

"Crap, you may be right about them, then." Principal had his eyebrows raised.

"Bastards." Baldi grunted as he exited out the office room and went back to his classroom in a haste.

They heard kids enter the school as the bell rang to signify kids to go into their classroom. Playtime, Bully, Arts and Crafters, and Friend entered the classroom. Friend then looked out the doorway and led someone into the room by the bending of his index finger. Player entered the room!

Baldi's eyes widened as Player sat in a desk next to Friend, and all the kids waited for their usual math teacher to start talking and teaching.

"Player? You've come back?" Baldi never felt so shocked his whole life.

"Yes, Mr. Baldi. My parents decided to move into this small town, so now I can come to this school for good as a 5th grader and a 6th grader. My mom thought There School to be too cruel of a school."

"I told you there was something wrong with that school!" Friend said to Player and the other students as Baldi lightly tapped his ruler on his desk to get all their attention.

"Alright, now let us get onto the first few lessons of basic math very quickly since we have a 6th grader in our class this year." Baldi grinned as everyone looked at Bully. Bully rolled his eyes, and looked at the ground.

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