Wedding *Expect Fluffs*

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"Awww! They're so cute together!" Playtime screeched.

"Ugh, I hate weddings." Bully grumbled. 

"Wow, we actually agree on something." Friend muttered.

"Guys! Can you lighten up for once?" Player begged.

"Hey, at l-least 3 out of 5 o-of us actually try to be positive at a-all times." Arts pointed out.

"Shh! All of you! They're here!" Playtime whisper-shouted as the gay couple waited for each other to face each other as the man with the bible began, "Blah blah blah, may I present to you man and wife?"

Both of the men's lips immediately smuckered against each other without mercy for they must've forgotten the children were there.

"Ugh, I knew I should've stayed home on Mondays."

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