Quest For Success! *Slight Fluff*

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(This is mainly about the kids for once. Princi and Baldi will be in the background of this chapter. If ya don't like it, sorry. Finally, Christmas vacation! I get to update a bit more.)

Princi gave a quick kiss on Baldi's lips, left the classroom, then the math teacher started his class. He wrote problems on the board as Bully threw paper airplanes towards everyone else even including his sister, Playtime. Once Baldi was done writing on the board, he ordered his oldest student, "Hey, knock it off, Bully." Then he faced Player as he pointed to a problem on the board and asked, "Now Player, what does 0 / 0 equal once again?"

"Undefined!" Player announced proudly. Playtime giggled as her big brother Bully spoke up, "Sounds like your life." Player stared at his hands in his lap, not daring to look at the mean boy as Friend was sizzling in rage.

"This i-is not gonna e-end well..." Arts And Crafters sighed as Baldi snapped, "Bully! Do you want your father to send you home already?"

"He's the Principal, dad." Bully shrugged. "He would be too busy to deal with me."

"Everyone is too busy to deal with you because the rest of us actually have lives unlike you!" Friend snapped, not able to control himself.

"Friend!" Baldi was exasperated with everyone's off behavior that day. He was this close, just this close to start thrashing some sense into them two boys. Playtime gulped nervously, her eyes tearing up a little as Bully challenged, "Ha! You really think you are above the world, don't you, Friend?"

"Well, compared to you, yeah. Of course!" Friend snorted. "Are you really that full of yourself? Oh yeah, that's right. You are only just a bully, so of course all you can do is just blame others for your own mistakes. I am pretty sure you've exercised that talent real well in the past."

Playtime's face paled as Bully steamed with rage.

Friend really screwed up BAD TIME.

Bully shoved the desk onto the ground as the chair he sat on flew to the back of the classroom. He advanced onto Friend and began beating him senseless. Principal entered upon hearing the commotion and helped Baldi with pulling the angered bully off of Friend who was smirking throughout the whole thing.

Friend had a black eye and a few other bruises on his face as he brushed himself off, then Princi snapped, "What the hell is going on?"

"He said something really personally offensive towards me!" Bully hissed.

"Well, I mean, he is a bully. Someone has gotta get through to him." Friend shrugged.

"You both are being unfair." Player crossed his arms over his chest stiffly. "How about to fix this issue we all should challenge you both. That way one gets punished and the other one gets sent home for a suspension."

"Yeah but which one would mean a win?" Friend was genuinely confused as Bully glanced towards the usually silent boy with shock.

"The point to this is that no one wins, but one of you will get out of this the easier way. That doesn't mean it will be a win, though. Do you all agree with this?" Player faced everyone else behind him as Baldi immediately exclaimed, "100% yes!"

"UUUgh, this will waste my time!" Bully groaned.

"What time? Just sitting down and eating like the true slob you are? I am all for this challenge!" Friend said with full confidence.

"RRRR... I guess I have to." Bully grumbled with obvious defeat.

"I'm all for my big brother!" Playtime admitted.

"I-I can't watch this!" Arts began hiding under his desk.

"To be honest... I kind of agree with this as well. It shall be done." Principal nodded. "If this is a way to teach you both a lesson, then I'm all ears. And eyes."

"I support you Bully!" Baldi cried out. "Don't you end up giving up."

"Hey! You only support him cause he's your son. That's cheating!" Friend spat.

"Yes, that's exactly why I support him. Have a problem with that?" Baldi raised an eyebrow.

"Okay! Let's let them start!" Player said. "Now all you both have to do is find each other's most important possessions and do the worst thing you could possibly do to them."

"Okay, now it really doesn't sound like a great idea-" Princi shook his head.

"GOTTA WIN WIN WIN!" Mr. Sweepers' shout was enough to get the two boys going.

The both of them searched in each other's bags. Bully found one of Friend's notebooks and began tearing out all of the pages into little pieces. Friend found Bully's nintendo system and began smashing it repeatedly on the ground. Baldi began to cry out in frustration as Principal's voice boomed throughout the whole school, "BOTH OF YOU STOP, NOW!"

"Sooo... who did it the worst?" Player wondered as every other kid finally was able to focus.

"You did, Player." Principal frowned as every kid began looking like they've seen a ghost. "Even though all three of you are in fault here, Player still started the whole challenge from the get go."

"Should the worst punishment be a thrashing?" Baldi asked seriously.

"100% yes." Princi winked towards Baldi as he repeated his small boyfriend's past statement of agreement. "Bully and Friend will only be put on a two-day suspension while Player will feel your wrath."

"H-Hey!" Player cried out. "I wasn't the one who misbehaved in class!"

"But you were the one who made the situation worse than it already was. Here is your victim- I mean, student, Mr. Baldimore.~" Princi winked once again at Baldi as Baldi seized the struggling boy. Baldi winked back then glanced down disappointingly at the usually shy boy as he took him to the office.

"Alright, you both leave and don't come back for those two days." Principal shooed them as they left. He decided to stay with Arts and his daughter Playtime.

"D-Dad, are all three of them going to be okay?" She asked with her hands clasped behind her back in the most innocent way possible.

"Yes Play, of course they will."

"... W-Well, isn't this a s-school day?" Arts stammered under his desk.

No one heard and paid mind of course.

(Which one of the three do you think should've been punished the most? Player? Bully? Friend?)

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