Technical Difficulties *Drama/Some Fluff*

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(Chapter is based around 1st Prize. I want this all done. I'm trying to finish this whole book as quick as possible. Princibaldi be in the background.)

"Friend, I am going to see 1st Prize for a little bit. Maybe ya could hang out with Bully or something." Player teased as he quickly left the classroom before Friend could do something physical to him.

"Maybe ya could hang too!" Friend spat.

"Hey, 1st Prize! How are you doing today?"

"I have been programmed to desire your image." 1st Prize's voice sounded a bit off.

"Oh, well... okay?"

"I see you! FrieEend!" 1st Prize's voice box was definitely way off point.

"Hey! My name is not Friend! Why do you sound like that?"

"Oh... nOoOoOoooooooooo..." 1st prize was shut off after that.

"Guys! 1st Prize died!" Player freaked out as Principal ran outside his office with a couple new batteries, then he fixed the robot back to normal real good.

Player sighed with relief, hugged the robot as it hugged him back, then he went back to the classroom.

"I have lost you. I don't like that."

"Don't worry bud, I'm here." Principal assured.

"So am I." Baldi added as he popped up behind Princi.

"Baldi, shouldn't you be teaching class right now?"

"Don't worry. I gave them their maths papers to work on for the rest of the day."

"Oh, okay." Princi nodded.

"Today has been very boring besides the maths."

"Uh... could I make your day a bit more interesting, Baldimore?~" Principal's voice purred.

"I suppose... if you feel like it.~"

They hugged really sexily, and that was that.

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