Chapter 6

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(Hey guys sorry it's been a while. I will try and update as much as I can. Thanks :)

I started to make breakfast when I heard a knock at the door. I fixed my hair really quick and looked through the peep hole. It was Kian. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey" he said smiling.

"Hey" I said, I could stop thinking about how heart broken Connor would be if he knew he was here.

I let him in and asked to sit down.

"So, Bella about last night." he said looking at the ground. He was blushing so hard.

Kian's P.O.V

"So, Bella about last night." I said trying not to look her in the eye. I felt that I was blushing. Oh great, he could tell I was neverous.

"Umm," I looked at her and her eyes were on me, her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry if I came off like I was having a bad time. When I saw that you and Connor were having so much fun I just got mad."

She looked at me for a second.

"It's okay, I understand. If I saw you with another girl I would be jealous." I was coming here to ask her to be my girlfriend but we met two day ago, so I think that I could wait.

"So, do you have any plans for today?" I asked her hoping the answer was no.

"I don't think I have anything. Why?"

"Well the new Fault In Our Stars just came out and I was wonder if you wanted to see it with me?" (I know TFIOS came out in the beginning of June but that's the only movie I can think of at the time.) I said. I could tell she was thinking.

"Yes, I would love to go." She ran upstairs and got ready.

I sat on the couch and just played around on my phone till I got a call from Connor. I sighed and answered.


"Hey Kian, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted last night. I was just mad. Maybe we can go grab some lunch later and just forget about it."

I didn't want to tell him I could go because I was with Bella. Uggg what do I do.

"Sorry maybe tomorrow I'm busy today." He paused.

"Um okay talk to you later?"

"Yeah bye." I hung up and laid my head back.

"Kian I'm ready." I turned my head and saw Bella she looked amazing. She curled her light brown and and put on a different outfit.

I stood up "Wow!" I said looking at her head to toe.

"What's wrong?" she asked looking worried.

"You look beautiful." I said still in awe.

She blushed and we started to walk the car.

Bella P.O.V

I changed quickly and curled my hair. I walked down stairs and Kian stood up.

"Wow!" he said

"What wrong?" I said with a worried look. I was worried that something was wrong, did my hair look bad?

"You look beautiful." he said. I blushed and looked at the ground. Kian is so sweet. I should keep him. I thought to myself.

We started to walk to the car when my phone started to ring. I looked down and it was Connor.

( hey guys. Please give me feed back and comment below. If you have any suggestions feel free to message me at anytime I will answer. Thanks :)


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