↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 ✗

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// S A G E//

           WE WERE WAITING FOR the WICKED train to pass by us, hiding behind a large boulder. I was bouncing my knee up and down anxiously, Thomas' head turning back every once in a while from the passenger seat, but I ignored him, keeping my face hard as I was on high alert for any danger.

          My head shot towards the left when I heard the large train horn, my hand slamming on the back of Vince's seat. "Go, go!"

          Vince listens to me, shifting the car into drive and pressing down on the gas pedal, driving out from behind the boulder and towards the train that was moving at high speeds. I can make out the other jeep on the other side of the train, driving towards the front of the train. Thomas brings the walkie-talkie to his lips. "Brenda, we're coming up behind. Keep 'em busy."

          As Vince presses harder on the gas pedal, the jeep starts to get rocky, my hands wrapping out the top bar of the jeep. "Hang on!"

         Right when I thought Vince was going to slam the jeep into the side of the train, he jerks the wheel right, causing the jeep to move towards the back of the train, just like we wanted. When we reached the end, he makes a quick U turn onto the tracks, picking up speed as pebbles and dirt fly in the air behind us from the tires. Vince shakes his head in disbelief, mostly at the crazy plan we had, shouting over the motor of the car. "This is crazy, Thomas!"

           I unclick harness, my fingers then wrapping around the bar over my head as I raise to my feet, double checking to see if I have my machete on my back and my handguns in their holsters on my thighs, and the extra handgun in the waist band of the tight black leather jeans.

         "Be careful Sage!"

          I look down at Thomas, nodding my head. "I always am." I carefully make my way to the hood of the car, on one knee, my other leg spread out but bent down on the knee so I have a better grip, as I had one hand wrapped around the bar on the hood and the other one helping Thomas to where I am.

          Thomas takes the same stance I do, but grabbing onto the hook. "Get me closer!"

          I held onto the back of Thomas' jeans as he reaches forward to try and hook onto the back of the train as Vince speeds up. I could hear the tire of the jeep scraping against the side of the track, and I knew it was going to pop in a matter of time. Thomas successfully hooked the hook onto the back of the train and I let go of him. I watch as he jumps from the hood of the car and onto the small platform on the back of the train, his hand wrapped around the ladder while the other was outstretched towards me. I let go of the bar, balancing myself as I stand to my feet before leaping off of the hood, my hand wrapped around Thomas', while my other hand was wrapped around the ladder like his, once my feet were on the platform, that's when things went to shit.

³ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞  -̶ 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴Where stories live. Discover now