↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ✗

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//S A G E//

          I FOLLOW GALLY AS he opens a door very quietly and smoothly. the long walk in the lightly dim and smelly tunnel must of been the most awkwardness experience I've ever been in. Gally and I tried catching up, but every time we barely said a few words, Thomas will always clear his throat very loudly from the back.

         Gally then stuffs in his hands in grey hoodie, walking right into the crowd of a busy -what I'm guessing is a subway- and immediately walking the same direction almost everyone is walking in, acting like he didn't just come from a door in the wall. I quickly follow his lead, thanking the lord Gally knew another female that was my size that had some hoodies I could wear to cover up my black tank top. I had to leave most of my weapons behind and my leather jacket to prevent getting noticed. I cant pull the hood over my head because that'll be even more suspicious. I just hope the change in hair and if I keep my hair down it wouldn't draw any attention.

         "red zone, departing the station in five minutes."

         as we were walking past people, I noticed some of them had white masks over their mouths. I shook my head, and continued to follow Gally.

         we followed him up a flight of stairs and onto the street where there was not one person in sight. there were very tall slim buildings all around, lights shinning everyone. I slowed down, my eyes wide and my mouth slightly opened as I stared in awe at the pretty blue and white lights all around. we slowly come to a stop as we reach stairs going down, watching a fast moving blue train zoom past us. Newt stares in awe as well. "this is a long way from the glade."

         "fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew." a loud female voice echoed throughout the city's streets. "remember, this is for your safety." sirens were heard down the street as well as orange flashing lights on top of a well taken care of car. "thank you for your compliance."

         Gally turns to us. "yeah, we better get off these streets." he glances back at the cities lights. "and I know its hard, but act like you've seen it before."

         he then walked off, causing me to glance at Newt before following after him. we waited until the police car drove past us, before ducking down and rushing across the street to the other side, pressing our bodies against the glass of another building as another car zoomed by. Gally's eye sight never left the car as it moved out of eyesight. "they've definitely upped security." he then glances to us. "I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that." as sirens continued to be heard around the city, Gally ducked down, getting ready to cross the other street. "all right, let's get outta here."

          we followed Gally through the streets to the very back by a wall. there was a small brick wall above, but out of arms reach. Gally turns to Newt, leaning down on one knee and cupping his hands together. "all right, Sage, you're up."

        I dismiss him, shaking my head. "I got it." I step back a little, before rushing towards the wall at full force, lifting one leg up so my foot hits the wall and I push up with my other leg, my hands grabbing the top of the brick wall and I pull myself up swiftly. I then turn around and reach my hand out for Newt to take. I help him up as well as Gally. Gally turns to Thomas, but he just glares at him. "I got it." I roll my eyes along with Gally.

          we followed Gally up some steps and soon enough we were rushing against on a tight ledge on the side of the wall. he quickly moves into a doorway which had steps, and eventually we end up on a high level.

          "there it is." Gally points at the most tallest building in the city, which was right in the middle. it had blue spotlights on the side, pointing straight up. "if WICKED's got Minho, that's where they'll be keeping him." he crouches down and grabs onto a telescope which was hidden in a pipe. "Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years." he adjusts the telescope on metal rail in front of us. he then places his arms on the rail, leaning against it as I stand next to Thomas with my arms crossed over my chest. "place is crawling with soldiers. they got surveillance everywhere. scanners on every floor."

         Newt copies his movements, his arms resting on the rail and leaning against it with his left knee bent slightly. "sounds like a bloody fortress."

         Thomas moves around slightly in his spot. "yeah, I thought you said you had a way in."

         Gally inhales sharply, turning to glance at Thomas, before glancing at me. He then turns to the building in front of us, after a few short moments, he finally speaks up. "I might."

        Thomas' face turns red and his whole mood changes the minute those words escape his mouth. "you might?" he stands up straight, moving closer to Gally as his voice raises. "what the hell do you mean "might?"

        i quickly move between Gally and Thomas to prevent a fight from breaking out. I knew Gally wasn't going to throw the first punch, but i knew for sure Thomas was. I place my hands on Thomas' chest, pushing him back gently a few feet. Gally runs his tongue over his teeth in the inside his mouth, glancing down at the telescope and stepping back. "take a look." Thomas looks through the telescope as i stood close. I tried seeing with my own vision, but had no luck. I notice anger flash through his eyes as he stepped back. Gally crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the wall. "I said I had a way in. I didn't say you were gonna like it."

       I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what they were talking about. "what?" I move to look through the telescope, but Thomas stops me.

        "that's not a good idea Sage."

        i narrow my eyes at him, feeling slightly angry for keeping out of the loop. I push past him. "move Thomas." I look out through the telescope, anger filling my blood and my jaw clenching. my hand immediately shoots towards the large scar and I step back, shaking my head. "you got to be fucking with me."

i just published my new fanfiction of Captain America/Steve Rogers aka the love of my life. you guys should go check it out :)

i hope ya'll like it <3

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