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//S A G E//

I CLUTCHED MY MACHETE handle tightly in my hands, ignoring his blood on the blade and on my hands. I put on a tough face, I had my break down and even though all I wanted to do it break down again, I have to save River.

I moved through the empty WICKED building, the quiet place giving me shivers. I didn't hear anything inside the building. I could still hear gunshots and explosions outside, but nothing inside.

I turn the corner, only to be face to face with Janson, a smug grin on his face. I raise my machete up at him but he shakes his head. "I wouldn't do that if I wear you Blodreina." As if he noticed my confusion, he reaches around the corner, pulling a limp, knocked out River from behind and throwing him to the ground and holding a gun to his head.

My heart drops and I slip my machete into his sheath and put my hands up in surrender, I cant let River die, I can't. I failed Newt, I cant fail River. "Janson, Please."

I heard footsteps coming up behind me and I spin around to be face-to-face with Teresa, she gives me a look, a look like she was apologizing silently. I furrow my eyebrows and I notice her eyes flicker behind me. As I turn around, I felt the butt of Janson's gun slam right across my temple, knocking me right to the ground. I blink my eyes a few times as I try to get rid of the blurriness. By the amount of time's my head gotten hit today, I probably have a concussion by now. I hear Janson give out a sinister chuckle and I glance up only to see his gun coming down at me again, essentially knocking me out.

I wake up and I was strapped to a chair. I blink my eyes a few times to see myself in a laboratory room. I notice River slumped over in a chair across from me, coming in and out of consciousness. I couldn't see Janson or Teresa anywhere in sight. I shake my bound arms, only to here the familiar rattle of chains. My hands were tied behind me and my feet where tied around the leg's of the chair.

I shake it once more, but felt no budge and felt the chains get tighter. I glance up at River once more, seeing the cuts on his body and face, his clothes were torn and blood was pooling out of almost every wound. They tortured him. I notice him close his eyes and I shake my chains once more to get his attention. "River! Stay awake brother come on stay awake."

He glances up at me, a weak smile on his lips. "Sage, i'm going to be okay. I promise."

His smile then drops when he notices the tears streaming down my face. I shake my head. "Newt said the same thing, and he died."

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