↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 ✗

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//S A G E//

          I ADJUSTED MY LEGS so they were over Thomas lap, feeling tired of my legs being tucked to my chest. River hands me a new magazine filled with bullets for my handgun. As I was changing my magazine, I notice Jorge glancing back to us every once in a while. When I slip my gun back into my holster, he finally speaks;  "I'm impressed! You guys almosted last a whole day."

          A sigh escapes my lips, glancing down at my hand to see the brusies and cuts on my knuckles from last night and some fresh cuts on the palm of my hand from glass, which I got from climbing through the broken window of the jeep. Brenda, hearing my sigh, turns around once more, making eye contact with me, her beautiful hair that she grew out flapping in the wind. She wanted me to cut it -while I was cutting mine to my shoulders, when it started getting longer, so she can have her short hair once more, but I told her to grow it out claiming it would look even more prettier with her hair up to her shoulders, and I was right. "You good?"

          I nod my head, glancing back down at my hand, clenching my fist. I raise my head back up to her, giving her a smile. "Yeah." She gives me a smirk, her tongue running over her bottom lip before she bites her lower lip, her gaze lingering on me a little longer before turning back to look at the dirt road -along with some weeds- ahead.

        Thomas places one large veiny hand on my leg, rubbing it soothingly, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as the truck jolts from the uneasy ground below. "I'm sorry. Sage and I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." I glance up towards Thomas, who gives me his infamous smirk, which will make every girl swoon. I might be this fearless warrior that wants people down on their knees, but Thomas can give me one look and I'm down on my knees.

         "I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Frypan jumps into the conversation from besides Thomas, who was sitting against the side of the truck while I sat against the back, Newt right next to me. That explains why my legs were on Thomas' lap. River was sitting against the other side of the bed of the truck.

          Brenda turns back around, giving us her signature smirk. "You're welcome."

          "Hey." I raise my eyes towards the review mirror of the truck, seeing Jorge's eyes looking directly at me. "Don't get your hopes us. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense." I recall seeing a rundown building with a gate around it, multiple signs around the gate.

            River nods his head, going along with what Jorge was saying as he looks through the scope of his bulky gun. "If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too."

³ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞  -̶ 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴Where stories live. Discover now