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//S A G E//

          I ALLOWED HIM TO untie the rest of this knots as I rushed towards Teresa, patting her cheek as well to wake up. She slowly wakes up, her eyes wide as she glances down at the serum still in her hands. "Sage take this, please." I glance down at it, unsure if I really do to take it. This could of helped Newt, and here I am feeling selfish for taking it. She notices my hesitation and practically shoves it into my hands. "Sage, Newt would of wanted you to take this, do this for Thomas, do this for Newt, do this for me." I swallowed thickly glancing at my brother who joined Thomas onto fighting Janson. Teresa shook her head, before grabbing the serum and my forearm, and plunging it in. Painful burning went through my veins, causing my to scream out and fall on my back, feeling the serum take full effect.

          Janson screamed out, and advanced towards me when he noticed I took his serum. I raise my fists, getting ready for a fist fight when Thomas comes out of nowhere and punches him, he punches him again causing him to get slammed in the wall. Janson spins around, and punches Thomas right in the face, and then doing it again. Thomas falls onto his hands and knees and Janson grabs onto the collor of his shirt, choking him. Thomas gasps for air, his face turning red. I advance towards Janson but he kicks Thomas down, spinning towards me and lifting up a gun.

          He snarls at me, "this is for ruining my life you fucking bitch." He pulled the trigger, and two bullets rung out through the air. I glanced down at my body to see no bullets in my skin.


          I glance to the left of me to see River, two bullet holes in his body. One in his chest, the other his stomach. He glances down at it, stumbling slightly as he touches the bloody spots. My eyes widen and my heart drops. I rush towards him, wrapping my arms around him and slowly lowering him to the ground, trying to stop the bleeding with my hands, Teresa rushing towards us and helping me.

          River grabs onto my hands, stopping me. He gives me a reassuring smile as blood drips down his chin. "it's okay."

        I glanced down at him with tears in my eyes as I continue to try and stop the bleeding. "No its fucking not. Don't leave me, River. Please." I cry out.

         He lifts one hand and places it on my cheek. "It's okay, little sister."

         I continue to cry, placing a hand on his hand. "I lost Newt, I can't lose you too, big brother."

       "sing me the song, please."

        "Deep in the meadow, under the willow, a bed of grass, a soft green pillow. lay down your head, and close your eyes. and when they open, the sun will rise." I watched him close his eyes, and I could see his beathing slow down. "Here its safe, and here its warm. here the daisies guard you from every harm. here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings thhem true. here is the place, where I love you." I leaned down and pressed my lips against his bloody forehead.

         As he took his final breath and his hand dropped, I bite my tongue to not scream out, I fought tears back. I stood up, turning towards Janson to see him with a smirk on his face. I glanced down at Thomas, who laid defeated on the floor. I clench my jaw and give Janson a murdeous glare as I bring out my machete. "I'll have you begging on your knees for mercy, Janson." He raises his gun once more but I raise my machete throwing it right at his hand. The machete impales his hand, flying back and getting his hand stuck to the cracks of the wall behind him. He screams out in pain and when I go to advance towards him, the building shook, a torpedo hit the room we were just in, causing us to fly back, flames rising around us. I rush towards Thomas grabbing him and helping him walk as I glance at Teresa, who grabs his other side. "we need to get out of here"

          We rush out of there as fast as possible. I could hear Janson screaming as he ripped the machete out of his hand. Thomas turns to face Janson to see him lifting his gun with a good hand, right at me. "Sage!" He pushes me into a room right as Janson shot bullets at us, Teresa falling into step.

         We stumble through a glass door that opened automatticaly, hissing as a fog like substance filled the air. There was a small room with cranks inside, banging on the glass. I glanced around at the room, the laboratoty room lighting giving off a blue lighting.

        "Sage" I turn to Teresa to see her staring and pointing at Thomas, whos back was to us, looking down and holding a hand to his stomach and I felt my heart drop once more to my stomach as I feared the worst.

and i oop-
i can't believe i did that holy shit i'm legit gonna kill myself

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