↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚗 ✗

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//S A G E//

         I DIDN'T GO WITH Thomas, Newt, and Gally to get Teresa. I decided to stay back. I couldn't trust myself to not do anything bad towards him, like stab her in the same spot as my stab wound with the same machete she stabbed me with.

         As i paced back and forth, wanting for them to come back, River speaks up from his spot, which was him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "whats going on between you and Newt?"

         I furrow my eyebrows and bite on my nails, but i dont stop my pacing. "nothing's going on between me and Newt."

        "mhm. you two have been fairly close lately."

         I roll my eyes. "nothings, going, on. " I stress each word, hoping they get the hint.

         "What about you and Thomas then? I noticed you're starting to become distant towards him."

         I stop pacing, glancing towards Brenda, who was sitting criss-cross on the table. I sigh, running a hand tiredly over my face. "he clearly still has feelings for Teresa. Even after the bitch stabbed me. I'm probably overreacting, but after what i saw back at the scorch, i..i have this feeling, i have this feeling he's going to leave me for her. and now that they are bringing her back here, my fear increased."

        River moves towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder which makes me turn around and glance at him. "Sis, you should see the way Thomas looks at you, i doubt he would go after the girl who stabbed us all in the back, stabbed you, and took one of his closest friends." I go to open my mouth but he immediately shushes me and continues. "he's in love with you Sage, not her."

        Brenda nods in agreement. "you guys are always touching each other or having sex somewhere in a corner anytime. you guys belong with each other."

         I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "okay, we do not have sex anytime-"

        I was cut off when Jorge walks into the room. "they're here." I immedaitely put my bad guy face on. I walk towards the table, slipping my handguns in its holsters on my thighs and placing the knifes where they belong. I slip my machete in the holster on my back, as i mentally prepare myself to see Teresa.

        River stood right by my side, his hand holding onto my forearm gently, just incase i decide to jump her. I watched as they sat her down on a wooden chair, a sac over her head. Gally ripped it off right when Thomas sat down in a chair next to me. Gally leaned against the table next to Thomas. Teresa's eyes widen, her hair a mess from the sac. She glances around the room, before her eyes land on Gally. "Gally?" She gasps out. She glances at Thomas, before her eyes land on me, getting the same reaction as Gally did. "Sage?"

³ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞  -̶ 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴Where stories live. Discover now