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         WE WALKED THROUGH building with our masks back on, those large stun guns in our arms again. Teresa was leading us while Thomas and Newt were right behind her, pushing her and telling her to move, and I was walking right behind the two. I felt like it was suspicious having three guards following and pushing a WICKED scientist, but I hoped the people here are idiots and wont say anything.

         We made it to the elevator, and I was tempted to rip off the suffocating mask, but it was a good thing I didn't due to the fact a hand slipped through elevator door's before it fully shut. "Hold it."

          The minute my eyes landed on him I wanted to tear my mask off and stab the son of a bitch. Janson steps into the elevator, pressing the button and then glancing at the three of us, seeing that we were leaned up against the wall before he turns and stares at the elevator doors. I notice Thomas squeezing his gun a little tighter, his finger hovering over the trigger, and without thought, I grabbed his hand and laced my gloved fingers with his, immediately feeling his muscles relax.

         Janson glances at Teresa before glancing back at the elevator doors, a smug grin placed upon his lips. "you're working late." Teresa gives a forced smile. "see, that's what I like about you, Teresa. No matter how bleak things get, you just never get up. Times like this, you need a friend that you can count on."

          It was quiet for a second before Teresa's week voice replied with, "i'll bear that in mind."

         It was quiet again, until Janson's piercing voice rings through the air, "there is one thing you should know. One friend to another." Jansen slowly turns to Teresa. "Thomas is here. Along with Sage." Teresa turns to him with shock lacing your fingers. "Yeah, Sage. She's still alive and looks menacing and more dangerous than she did before you stabbed her. You missed her major organs."

         "I wasn't trying to kill her. I missed on purpose" Teresa barely whispers and I noticed her eyes start to water. "I just didn't want her to kill me. I wanted to get away"

          "You should of killed her. She wouldn't be a problem to us but now that we now she found us, we're all in danger." I felt Thomas grip tighten on my hand as I felt my heart start to beat faster, whether its from I felt bad with how I have been treating her, or if it's because I want to stab Janson in the stomach. "A surveillance picked them up outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know, but there is a chance that they may try to contact you, and if he does, i'd like to think that i'd be your first call."

          Teresa glances at Janson. "Are you going to kill them?"

         He raises an eyebrow. "would that be a problem?"

         The elevator finally came to a stop and dinged, the doors opening. "This is me." Teresa steps out and I drop Thomas' hand, following after her but not after I bumped my shoulder into Janson's forcefully.

         Thomas led us while me and Newt hung out in the back, Teresa in the middle of us as we walked down a catwalk. "Thomas, you have to listen to me. Getting that serum won't save Newt. It might buy him some time, but.."

         "Just ignore her." Newt cuts her off, starting to push her as we turn left and towards the laboratory. "She's trying to get inside your head."

         "Thomas, listen. You know what's going on out there. People are dying, the world is dying. There's something about your blood I don't understand."

           We stopped in front of the door and I pushed Teresa towards the thumbprint pad. "Open it."

         She did what I asked and the glass door opened, Thomas, Newt, and I stepping inside the blue hallway. "If you let me run some tests... I promise I can protect you."

          "Yeah?" Thomas spins around, ripping off his helmet causing his hair to spike in different directions, which gives me the sudden urge of running my fingers through it. "Like you protected Minho?" he hisses at her as he takes a step towards her, his jaw clenching.

          Newt steps forward, grabbing onto Thomas' shoulder but only to get pushed off by him. "What are you doing?"

          Thomas ignored him and continued to glare at Teresa. "How many people is it gonna take? How many more people do they have to round up, torture, kill? Huh? when the hell doe sit stop?"

         I notice Teresa flinch and try to place a hand on Thomas' chests, which causes me to tense. "It stops when we find a cure."

        "There is no goddamn cure!"

        I watched as Teresa and Thomas glared at each other, right when I was about to pull Thomas back, a voice pierces through the air. "Don't waste your breathe, Teresa." Immedaitely the three of us lift up our guns at Janson, who was pointing his gun at us. "He made his choice long ago."

         "Drop it kid!" Guards started to close in on us from all directions.

        I was shocked to say the least when Thomas pulls out a handgun and puts the gun against Teresa's head, holding onto Teresa tightly against his chest. "Tell them to back off. Tell them to back off!"

          I rip off the mask tossing it on the floor and Janson's went wide, my name coming out as a whisper past his lips. "Sage." I glared at him and I swore I saw fear through his eyes, but it quickly went away and he returned his attention back to Thomas and Teresa "Hey, Thomas, come on. It's me. I've known you longer than you can remember, longer than you known Sage." He smirks, tempting Thomas. "You're not gonna shoot her."

        Thomas takes the safety lock off, raising an eyebrow. "you don't think so?"

        "Okay." He drops his gun, practically waving it around as if it's some toy, a smirk still placed on his lips. "Go on then. Shoot her. Prove me wrong. Shoot her." I watched with anticipation, actually wondering if Thomas would pull the trigger. Before anyone can blink Teresa spins around and pushes me right into Thomas with all her might, which causes Thomas to wrap his arms around me while I also go tumbling into Newt, just as she pulls down a small emergency level, a glass safety door falling down separating us and causing lights and a siren to go off. Immediately Janson shoots into the glass, and I cover myself with my arms thinking the glass was going to break but it never did as Teresa ducks down.

         Janson then slams his fist on the glass but it doesn't break or open giving us a dirty glare which I returned as we walked off.

we're getting closer to the scene guys i'm sad :(

hello i'm back :) also tmrw is my bday big 17 ya'll

don't be a silent reader
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