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//S A G E//

'how can i say this
without breaking ?
how can i say this
without taking over ?'

         "WHATS WRONG?" He slowly turns around, his hand moving away from a blood spot in his stomach, my eyes widen at the dark liquid coating his hands. He starts to stumble into the tables behind him and I immediately jump action. "Tommy!" I was too late, he fell onto his back, scooting against the table and holding onto his wound. I drop down next to him, pressing my hands on his wound, ignoring the familiar blood coating my hands, my blood stained hands with Newt's and River's blood. He slowly lifts up his shirt to revel the bloody bullet hole. My eyes water as his breathing starts to get rapid and I turn to Teresa who had her eyes watering too. "Okay. okay, we need too... we need to find something."

          It was hard for me to speak, my throat closing up with all the tears threating to spill. Teresa was quick to move, searching through cabinets and pulling out a towel. "Here. Here!" She stuffs it in my arms. "Just put pressure on it."

           I lifted his shirt and placed it over his wound, grabbing his hand and putting it over the towel. "Hold it." He did what I said, and I reached up and placed my bloody hand on his cheek, tears streaming down my face as I made eye contact with him. "C'mon Tommy, please. Don't do this too me."

'how can i put it
down into words,
when it's almost too
much for my soul alone'

          His head starts to fall onto his shoulder. "You gotta go. You gotta go Say."

         I shake my head. "No. Not without you. I lost Newt and River, I can't loose you too. Please."

          The sound of the door sliding open got our attention, the sound of Janson's boots stepping on the marble floor, cranks bagging on the glass in the back.

'i loved, and i loved,
and i lost you
i loved, and i loved,
and i lost you
i loved, and i loved,
and i lost you'

          "I admit, Teresa, you had me fooled. I thought we were Friends. Maybe it's just in your nature to betray the people closest to you." I crawl to hide behind a different table as he continues to walk through the dim lab. "Come on. Let's not prolong this. We bother know there's no way outta this. Let's not make this any more painful than it needs to be." Silence. "Thomas. Teresa. Sage." I step out from where I was hiding, giving him a glare with my jaw clench, he points the gun at me. "I think you have something of mine."

³ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞  -̶ 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴Where stories live. Discover now