↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎 ✗

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this is probably my first ever letter, so don't be mad if it sucks. i probably wrote more before the maze, but i know for a fact i never wrote in the maze. but i do know, this will be my last.

i'm dying. but i'm not scared of it. i'm slowly losing myself to this disease, this virus. and its scaring me shitless. every night, i have been saying their names when you fall asleep. Alby, Winston, Chuck, Jeff. i repeat them over and over almost like a prayer. i think of the little things back at the glade, just like the way the sun used to hit the glade at that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls. the way you used to single-handingly beat Gally and his goons at bonfire nights. the way you treated Chuck like a mother figure would. and i remember the taste of Frypan's stew. never thought i'd miss that stuff so much

and i remember myself and you. i remember the first time i came up and i was scared greenie just like Thomas when he came up. i couldn't remember my own name or anything and remember a panic attack coming on. you were there and helped me calm down. that's when i knew i would follow you through hell and back.

as you know, i'm in love with you Sage. i remember the way you're tan skin used to be so perfect in the glade, seeing there was nothing you did that harmed you, before your skin would be covered with cuts, bullet holes, stab wounds, and brusies every day. i remember your angelic laugh from my jokes, the way you smiled that shows off your perfect teeth and dimples. your green eyes would shine brightly and became a beautiful lighter color in the sun, while in the shade/dark, your green eyes would become darker, but it wouldnt make it any less beautiful. your hair would shine brightly and look shiny in the sun, which would want to make me run my fingers through them. i fell in love with the way you acted, the way you took control, the way you could protect yourself and the way you care for others.

over the time since we escaped the glade, i fell more in love with you if that was possible. you become stronger. you changed your hair style to short red hair, which i love. you changed your wardrobe and it's amazing, especially with the new different makeup.

if i could do it all over again to following you through hell and back, i would and i wouldnt change a thing. my hope is for you to look back years from now, and be able to say the same thing. the future's in your hands now, Say. i know you and Tommy will find a way to do what's right, you both always do. take care of everyone for me, for thomas included. and take care of yourself for me.

you deserve to be happy. settle down with Thomas, have a family with him. have many kids, you deserve to be happy, Sage. don't be sad over my death, move on, i'm not worth dwelling on. thank you for being the greatest friend in history, Sage.

i love you,

goodbye, my best friend


'Dear little Sister,
god where do i start? well, i'll point out one thing is i suck at writing letters. i mean, look how i started this one.


i'm so proud of you with how far you came along. i remember you as a young age, before we were taken from WICKED and trained as their personal assassins. when mom gave birth to you, she handed you to me after and told me to name you. i picked Sage. i was thinking of Hannah, but you didn't seem like a Hannah so i chose Sage, which matches your personality greatly.

we had a rough childhood growing up, you don't remember any of it and i'm glad you dont. mom was a complete drunk, a shitty mother. i took care of you and i have been through everything we've been through. but as you got older, you started taking care of yourself. mom allowed WICKED to take us. i had to tell you some story so you didn't view her as a monster, but i can't die without knowing you didn't know the truth. Jorge saved us while WICKED was transporting us. he helped me raise you and when you turned thirteen, WICKED found us again and took both of us. from there you know what happened.

i have to admit, you and i had our ups and downs. we werent exactly a perfect family. but we always stood tall next to each other.

when i was "killed" in the glade, my first thought was you. if it wasnt for the little bit of life i had and the easy journey back to the scorch, where Jorge was, i wouldn't of seen you for the rest of my life and i couldnt live like that. my sister, my responsibilty. and i would forever be grateful for you being in my live and me raising you.

if you get this note, that probably means i'm dead somewhere in a ditch.

that came out kind of harsh... sorry.

i wrote this letter,  for you. so you know the truth about our family, and hopefully find peace.

if you feel lost, just remember me and my jokes. forget about the cruel world that took me and others. life is awful, i will admit. we live in a world where being cruel and killing each other is normal. just remember its always been like that and will continue being like that, no matter what. we can't change it, so just go with the flow. hopefully you found a safe havan and if you did, settle down with Thomas and have kids. i dont really like the kid, (i mean, i wouldnt like any guy you fuck), but i trust him, to keep you safe.

you are my best friend Sage. i don't have the words to explain how much you mean to me and how much i love you. you've helped me more than any person in my life... you're my only family. i will miss the long nights of us laughing, the nights and days of us playing and teasing each other. i will even miss our arguments. because no matter how big the argument, we always stayed together. i'll miss the slaps to the face when i deserve it for being stupid or to get a reality check.

i hope you find peace and can move on from my death. please don't mourn over my death too much, little sister. you shine brighter than the sun and more radiant than a diamond. i could easily pick you out in a busy crowd because you're simply stunning and outstanding. to the only beauty queen i will ever meet, i'm wishing you length of good years with Thomas. I'm so proud of you, little sister. dont do anything stupid while i am gone. i love you to the moon and back.

my pride and joy.

-big brother, River

authors note : so as
some of you may or may
not know, i am a big gamer.
and call of duty cold war is
coming out in less than two
days and i'm so tucking excited,
but i can't buy it, not yet. but my parents proposed a deal, get all
A's this semester when progress reports drop tuesday, and i
get the game, they'll pay for it.
you don't know how excited and nervous i am for tuesday but
i've been managing all A+'s for
the past three weeks, so here's too hoping they stay that way. i ranted about this. my bad. but prayers ya'll, prayers😔

one more chapter left guys

don't be a silent reader
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