↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡 ✗

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//S A G E//

THE VAN SLOWLY CAME to a stop after a slightly long drive to where I dont know. The hatch of the van opens, a man a gas mask motioning for us to exit. We slowly climb out of the van, taking in our surroundings.

The second van's tires squeal to a stop, the van rocking back and forth violently and grunts coming from inside. I share a confuse glance with Brenda. The back doors open, a man with the mask flying out onto his back and Jorge pouncing him, Thomas right behind him as Jorge throws down punches. "Where are my girls, you son of a bitch!"

My eyes widen along with Brenda as we rush towards him; "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Immediately the other soldiers or whatever advaces towars us, lifting up their guns at us while the man who tosses me over my shoulder signaled them to stand down. Brenda rushes towards Jorge while I rush to Thomas, trying to stop him from picking a fight. "Where the fuck is Sage!"

I grab onto his cheeks, forcing him to look down at me. "Tommy, baby, I'm right here."

He makes eye contact with me, his hands moving to the side of my neck before his eyes scan my body for injuries. He sighs inrelief when he didn't notice fresh blood. "Thank god."

"I'm right here!" I turn around to see Brenda struggling to stop Jorge from punching the man. Guns were pointed at us once more, nudging us away from Jorge and Brenda, our hands high in the air as my back crashes into Thomas' chest. "We're fine! Me and Sage! We're fine! We're right here!"

Jorge slowly stands to his feet, approaching Brenda. "Oh, Brenda."

The man that tossed me over his shoulder raised his hands up, signaling to lower the guns. "Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here."

Thomas moves around me, half of his body covering me. "What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?"

The man stares at me and Thomas for a while, before his free hand moves to his mask, lifting it up and tossing it to the ground. He raises his eyes, making eye contact with me. "Hey Sage, Greenie."

My eyes widen, jaw dropping at the man in front of me, the man that i thought was dead. Thomas from besides me, his nostrails flaring. "Gally." I could hear Newt and Frypan mumbling a "no way."

It was silent, and then it happened so fast. Thomas launches himself at Gally, slamming his fist into his jaw, causing him to fall onto the floor. Gun's were raised at him but I quickly ran towards Thomas with my hands raised. "No, wait! I got this!" The guns get lowered as i drop onto my knees next to Gally, who was getting punched over and over again by Thomas. I grab onto Thomas' fist in midair. "Stop! Stop it!" He doesn't even make eye contact with me, but I notice his other hand wrapped around collar of Gally's undershirt.  "Stop."

He pants loudly, his lips parted as his chest heaves, the vein popping out in his neck -which is a turn on as well- along with the vein in his forehead. He wiggles his wrist but I dont budge. "He killed Chuck."

I ignored the pain of his name in my chest, my eyes boring holes into Thomas' face as he continues not to look at me. "Yeah, I know. I remember. I was there too, all right? I held him in my arms." I blink away the tears threatening to appear and I could see Thomas swallowing thickly. "But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind." He continues to not look at me, but his panting decreases slightly along with his chest heaving. "Just calm down, alright?"  He stares at Gally for a few minutes, before roughly tossing down Gally's shirt and ripping himself from my grip, standing to his feet, his jaw clenched. I stood up to my feet, walking back so I was standing next to River.

Gally stands to his feet, rubbing his lower jaw. "Kind of had that coming." He runs his tongue over his bottom lip. "Anybody else? Fry? Newt? Sage?"

Jorge leans down and whisper's into my ear. "Do you know this guy?"

I clear my throat, my eyebrows furrowed. "He was an old friend, a brother almost." I shake my head, stepping foreword towards Gally. "How? How is this possible? I watched you die."

"No, you left me to die." Gally clenches his jaw slightly. From the tune of his voice, and body actions,  I could tell he changed, a big change. "And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now."

It was silent for a few minutes. Everyone was tense, the most tense was Thomas. I stared at Gally for a few seconds, before I launch myself at him like Thomas did, only slamming my fist into his jaw, causing him to stumble. Guns were raised, but Gally signals them down once more as I stood there, my fists clenched at my side with tears in my eyes. I watch him stand back up to his feet, his arms wide as if hes ready for another punch. But my next move surprised everyone, including me.

I launch myself at him once more, this time my arms wrapping around his neck as I pulled him into a hug, my face burrowing itself into his shoulder. He was stunned for a few seconds, until his arms finally wrap around my upper back. "I'm sorry, for leaving you." My voice barely came out as a whisper, and it was muffled from his shirt.

He rubs my back. "I forgive you."

I pull away, creating some distance from myself and him and avoiding Thomas' glare. I let my eyes trail his body, smiling weakily at him. "You look healthy."

His eyes trail my body too, but they dont linger for long and land on my face. "You do too. You cut your hair, and dyed it. It looks great on you."

I give him a smile, opening my mouth to say something when Thomas' coughs very loudly, causing me to glance back at him, but quickly regret that decision when I notice his eyes filled with hatred and face red with anger. I then glance back at Gally, who glances at the ground before back at us, his think eyebrows raised. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Minho." Newt answers from besides me as I kept my lips shut and my eyes averted to the ground. "WICKED has him here. We're looking for a way in."

It was silent for a second, before Gally spoke. "I can help with that." He then starts turning around. "Follow me."

I move to follow him, when a hand wraps around my wrist, dragging me back. Thomas keeps a tight grip on my wrist, causing me to flinch as I glared at him, though he continued to glare at Gally. "I'm not going anywhere with you, neither is Sage."

Gally halts in his place, making eye contact with Thomas. "Suit yourself." His eyes then drop towards me. "But I can get you through those walls."

ya'll i just finished writing this book and..... fjdkkfodod i'm crying

don't be a silent reader
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