"So this is it?" {35}

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{The Next Morning...}

Melissa's head was clouded as she woke up, not expecting to see Nick laying beside her. She couldn't remember anything from the night before... well except for the fact that he had kissed her before they zonked out.

"Angel?" he asked, his piercing brown eyes looked at her, a soft smile on his face. "How are you feeling?" he mumbled.

Moving her body into a sitting position she couldn't comprehend anything at that moment, "I'm o-okay... my head is pounding; like expected... wait... don't call me Angel, Nicholas." her voice was low.

"It didn't bother you yesterday." he chuckled and sat up as well.

Her heart stopped, "well I was drunk off my ass last night." she mumbled, getting up off the bed, and began getting dressed.

She couldn't believe that the boys let her drink, they knew how much she hated it. How much she absolutely despised it because of her father.

"And where do you think you're going missy?" he asked, standing beside her and stopped her anxious motions. Her eyes flickered up to his and she let out a soft sigh.

"I'm leaving, Nick. You are with Pri, now. I have no intention of being here. You have her." she spat softly, shaking his hand off of hers.

He internally was screaming, as he knew all of his choices up till now were coming back to bite him in the ass. "Doesn't mean I don't want you here. You're my best friend..." he took a deep breath in as he looked up at her, "But, if that's what you want, I can book you a flight back to Jersey, and you'd be free to go." he said calmly, stepping back from her.

"But just know that I will always love you, like what you said last night. You also mean everything to me."

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes slowly, "then why don't you fucking show it Nicholas?" she asked, her voice low and wavering.

His shoulders shrugged slightly, "because maybe I'm scared that you'll be the one for me. That I can't have any freedom once we've crossed that line. You are my whole world, my soulmate... but I need to take the time to explore other avenues." he explained, reaching up and running his fingers through her tangled hair.

"But you are okay with breaking my heart all over again in the process?" she asked, leaning back so that way he couldn't touch her. "...cause I can't bare to think that you're with someone else."

"Well... you've fucking broken my heart, guess it's time for you to understand what I felt." he seethed, stepping towards her, his eyes so dark that it was as if he wasn't himself.

She didn't even acknowledge what he had said, she felt her heart twisting in two all over again. "...so this is it?" she whispered, wanting things to just magically be better. For them to make up, for that bitch to be gone and for him to sweep her up into his arms all over again.

"Y-Yeah... I guess it is?" he mumbled, dropping his shaking hand next to them. A loud sob left her quivering lips and she ran out of the tense; enclosing walls. "Wait, Lyss." he called after her.

Her feet didn't stop till she was collapsing in the shower, turning on the water so the stream could drench her nice clothes she had been sporting the night before.

"I love you Nicholas, don't you fucking get that?! Always have, always will." she cried to him as he stood in front of the ceiling to floor shower stall. "But that bitch comes into your life, trying to fucking take you from me." she sobbed.

"Hey... it wasn't my choice in the first place for all this to happen! And you know it!" he told her, "It was you. You were the one that caused all this drama! It was you that broke things off! You did the fucking same thing to me with that Styles guy! Don't you say you didn't. You fucked him. You tried to fucking forget about me with him!"

"Don't you fucking dare put this on me!" she screamed, "you were the one that fucking was acting distant! You were the one that made me want to disappear! When did things fucking change?"

He rolled his eyes, not even getting any closer to her, "The stress... Dad getting sick. I wasn't thinking straight. You know that." he cried, tears falling down for the first time in forever.

But he did something he thought he wouldn't do... His shaking hands pulled her into his lap, not wasting a second and kissed her hard.

"You promised me... forever. But that was all a fucking lie." she cried, running her fingers along his buzz-cut hair.

"Shut up, Angel." he muttered, pressing his lips against hers once again.
{A few days later...}

"YOU BROUGHT HER FUCKING HOME?" Priyanka yelled, the door slamming open as she made her way into Nick's apartment, fuming.

"Yes, Pri... because she's my best friend. And I care about her, and her wellbeing. She fucking didn't have anywhere to go, and she was drunk off her ass." Nick calmly explained, not wanting to let the news out about the kisses that were exchanged that night. "It's not like I would leave her on the streets. She's apart of the family no matter if she's with me or not."

"Well, I don't think you should have contact with that little boyfriend stealer anymore. You have me, a mature woman that can actually drink without getting hungover." She grinned, laughing slightly. Priyanka didn't understand everything that the two had been through. What happened to Melissa last year, and how her father's side of the family treats her. The older woman had no fucking idea.

"I will never push her out of my life. Not even for my girlfriend, sorry Pri, she means too much to me." he explained, his head spinning from what she was asking of him.

"What do you exactly think she has that I don't?" she asked, her voice calming down for just a few seconds.

"I'm not comparing the two of you. You're my girlfriend, and she is my best friend." he tried his hardest to explain it once again to her. "You both mean absolutely everything to me. I can't compare the both of you, you are absolutely gorgeous, and she is as well... in two different ways. Simple."

She rolled her eyes, "let me ask you one last time... drop her from your life, or I will be gone faster than you can even blink Nicholas." she seethed, before waving to him then walking out of the apartment; her heels clicking against the wood.

Nick was amazed at all of this, how did he let his life spiral out of control?

"What the fuck?" he exclaimed, sitting down on the couch, placing his head down in his hands, not believing any of this shit.

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