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  Finally, after running numerous miles alongside Braeden's motorcycle, the three of them, finally arrived at the Church called La Iglesia. Braeden parked her bike before she and Scott hopped off of it and looked around with Veronica to see a broken down church, "La Iglesia." Braeden announced as she looked at the ruins of an old church and town.

"What happened here?" Veronica asked out of curiously, for once not knowing the history of the place she was at.

"An earthquake," Braeden informed her as she quickly glanced at her before back at La Iglesia, "It leveled the town."

"Then, why is The Church still standing?" Scott added in his own question, clearly just as curious as Veronica was. 

"The locals think it's because of what's underneath." She explained to the two teenage Alphas.

"Do we wanna know?" Scott questioned curiously.

"The Church was built over the ruins of an Aztec temple. It belonged to a people called the nagual." Braeden explained and Veronica raised a brow.

"Shapeshifters?" Scott asked her and Veronica's eyes widened in realization.

"Werejaguars." Veronica spoke up, already knowing the answer, "So wait, Derek and Kate are somewhere in this creepy as church temple?" Veronica asked confused.

"I don't know," Braeden shrugged as she replied to his answer, "Never gotten this far before."

Once Braden and Scott back on Braeden's bike, they began to travel in the direction of the abandoned Church with Veronica following close behind.

  After getting to La Iglesia, it was already nightfall in Mexico. Scott was handed a flashlight by Braeden while Veronica just used her werewolf eyes. 

Scott's eyes widened when he and Veronica noticed that Braeden had a shot gun in her hand. She quickly nodded it as they walked up to the Church, "If you find Kate in here, what are you gonna do with her?" Scott asked concerned.

"Bring her back to the Calaveras," Braeden answered his question without a care in the world, "That's what they paid me for."

"What happens after that?" Veronica asked, slightly hoping death was the answer, unlike Scott. No way would she want a brand new enemy on their hands after saving Derek when it had only been about two months since she had lost Aiden and the pack had defeated the Nogitsune.

"Not my problem," Braeden replied without hesitation.

"You don't care?" Scott asked her, seeming a bit concerned with her response.

"Do you?" Braeden asked, "She's a mass murderer."

"And you're a mercenary," Scott argued, feeling as if they both alike.

Braeden shrugged, "Girl's gotta eat."She replied.

    Veronica finally decided to add something to the conversation after being quiet for so long, "If you were paid enough, would you kill her?" Veronica asked curiously.

 Braeden turned to Veronica, "If the money was good, I'd kill you and him." She answered and Veronica rolled her eyes, not really caring for the answer. It was clear people wanted her dead, she was used to it by this day in age.

As they both walked into the church, Braeden kicked the loose wood out of the way so they could get through, "Can you both catch Derek's scent?" She asked them.

"Yeah. I already got it." Scott answered and Veronica nodded her head in agreement.

 "Me, too." Veronica agreed with him as they continued to walk through the abandoned Church.

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