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 After Scott was safely placed in the morgue, Stiles, Liam, Kira, and Veronica all stood in front of the three computers in one of the hospital rooms. Cameras of all the hallways in the hospital were shown on the three laptops and there was also one was that showed the morgue room.

Suddenly one of the cameras glitched and turned off, not allowing them to see what was going on there, "Is that supposed to look like that?" Liam asked concerned, pointing to that box.

 Veronica sighed when she the square that showed that camera suddenly said, 'No Signal', "No. No, definitely." She answered the boy's question.

"Where even is that?" Kira asked the group.

"The roof," Stiles told them, "Someone's gonna have to check it out."

"I'll go." Veronica offered, raising her right hand.

"If she goes, I'm going," Liam spoke up as he began to follow Veronica.

"Me, too," Kira added in.

"Whoa, Woah," Stiles spoke up, causing the three teenagers to stop where they all, "Look, I get the two of you are like Veronica's biggest fan and Veronica, you're basically the most fearless person I've ever met, but this might not be just a malfunction." He explained to them.

"That's why I'm bringing this," Kira spoke up as she slid her sword out of the red cloth it was wrapped in.

 Before they all walked away, Stiles grabbed Veronica's arm, stopping her. Veronica frowned as she turned to him, a confused look on her face, "What is it?" She questioned confused.

"Just be careful. It can't be just a coincidence that that camera went out and that means someone might be up there." Stiles informed her.

A smile formed on Veronica's lips as she heard Stiles' words, "Aw, it's starting to sound like you care me."

 Stiles scoffed, "No! What? Of course! I just don't want Scott to get pissed at me when his first beta and the girl he loves but can't have ends up dying." He explained and once he realized what he had said, his eyes widened in shock, "Crap."

Veronica frowned at Stiles' words, "What did you just say?" She asked confused.

Suddenly, Liam entered the room, "Veronica, come on. We have to go."

 Veronica let out a sigh before she followed Liam out of the room.


 Veronica led both Kira and Liam onto the roof to find nothing at first. Suddenly, one of the generators began to have numerous sparks coming out of it, which Veronica had figured had happened because someone was trying to get all the power in the hospital shut off.

"Looks like someone did something to it," Liam commented as the familar scent of a Berserker filled Veronica's nostrils. 

  She turned her head, only to see one standing behind her, "Get back!" Veronica screamed, grabbing both Kira and Liam before she roughly threw them back. Because of Veronica's perfect timing, Veronica ended up being the only one to be slashed by the Berserker's weapon.

"Veronica!" Kira yelled out worriedly when she saw the large slash mark across her girlfriend's chest. 

"I'm fine." Veronica assured her as she slowly backed away from the Berserker, "Get ready to fight. Word of advice that you'll never hear from Scott, but is the absolute truth when fighting one of these things: Fight to kill, not to survive." She explained and both of them nodded their heads in understanding.

Veronica roared out, her eyes glowing red and her claws out. Liam followed in her footsteps and she began to turn. Liam ran for the Berserker, swinging a punch with his right fist before using his other hand. The Berserker dodged his hit before grabbing Liam by his neck, lifting him up in the air before throwing him against the fence around the broken generator.

  As Kira began to fight the Berserker with her sword, Veronica ran over to Liam and helped him up, "You good?" She asked him concerned and Liam nodded.

 As she turned back to Kira, the female Kitsune was suddenly punched by the Berserker. Veronica began to run for the Berserker. She lifted leg up and knocked the creature down before jumping on top of it. She began to slash it multiple times before grabbing it buy its head. She roared out, pulling its head off of its body.

 The Berserker soon turned to dust, leaving only its head, "You have got to stop doing that," A voice behind her said, causing her to turn and see that it was Kate standing there with two Berserkers by her side.

"You've got to be kidding me." Veronica groaned in annoyance.

"Every time you're sure to be around when I come to Beacon Hills, I make sure to have one extra Berserker just in case," She stated with a grin on her face, "We haven't officially met yet, Veronica, I'm Chris' younger sister, Kate."

"Really? That's your name?" Veronica asked sarcastically, "I only know you as 'The sociopathic bitch who was killed by Peter Hale'."

 Veronica smirked, her red eyes glowing as she began to run for Kate. Just then, one of the Berserker ran over and grabbed Liam up by the neck, "You either come with me right now, Veronica, or I'll have my Berserker kill the little beta whom you've grown a mother like bond with without a second thought." Kate demanded and Veronica sighed, standing down from the fight against Kate.

Veronica sighed, glancing over at Liam and Veronica before back at Kate, "Fine, I'll go."

 "See! That's the spirit!" Kira stated as she grabbed Veronica by the arm, both of them walking into the hospital together, "Sweetheart, you have to tell me how you've been able to kill two of my Berserkers when no one else has been able to." 

Veronica scoffed loudly, turning to face Kate with an angry look, "It's because I've been evolved," Veronica turned away from Kate as her voice became quieter, "Clearly something you'll never do. Ever." She muttered under her breath, but Kate clearly heard her.

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