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"What did you do to me?" Brett asked Violet angrily as he looked up at her, trying his best to get out of the locker room.

"You were cut with a poisoned blade," Violet informed him, giving him a cold look, "It was laced with Wolfsbane. It won't kill you. But this will." Violet pressed the button on the medallion part of her thermo cut wire necklace.

 Brett quickly tried to crawl his way out before he was killed by Violet, "Why? Why are you doing this?" Brett questioned.

"Because she's a psychotic bitch who is in deep need of making money 'cause her Mommy and Daddy left her when she was a baby," Veronica suddenly spoke up as she leaned against the doorway of the locker room, smirking. Both Brett and Violet turned to look at her, "Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something?" She asked mockingly as she placed her hand over her heart, acting as she was hurt, "My bad, my bad."

 Veronica began to walk over to Violet, who was running over to her to fight. Violet was about to attack her and wrap the thermocut wire around her neck, but Veronica had the upper hand and twisted the arm that held the necklace, breaking it. Violet winced in pain as she did so, hearing the cracking of the bone, "Whoops, my bad once again." 

 The female lifted her left leg up and kicked Violet with her shoe, causing her to fall against the lockers, which ended up falling one by one as Violet fell against them. Brett watched closely as this happened, slowly falling into an unconscious state from the Wolfsbane.

 Violet winced in pain as she began to crawl along the floor, trying to get away from Veronica, "But--But you're an Alpha with no pack! You shouldn't be this strong." She stated, clearly scared.

 Veronica growled out as she bent down and grabbed Violet's legs, flipping her over onto her back instead of her stomach. She then walked over to stand beside the younger girl's head. Veronica lifted up her shoe and placed it over Violet's neck. She began to press down on her throat, causing her to choke as she gasped for air, "Sweetheart, I killed over twenty members of my father's pack. It doesn't matter if I don't have a pack, I'm still powerful." Veronica's eyes began to glow red. 

 Suddenly, Scott appeared and roughly pushed Veronica off of Violet, "Veronica, no!" He shouted out, "You can't kill her!"

"Why not?" Veronica argued, "She's killed numerous werewolves over the past few weeks. Killing her would be doing a favor to every single supernatural creature on that Deadpool list."

 "We're not killing her!" Scott argued back as he glanced over at Brett, whose eyes were now shut, "Call Stiles, you and him are going to take Brett to Deaton while Liam and I turn in Violet."

 Veronica frowned when she heard Scott's words, "Wha--"

"Veronica, no arguing," Scott yelled out and Veronica's eyes widened in shock at how pissed Scott sounded.

"Who pissed in your cheerios," Veronica muttered as she walked over to Brett and grabbed him the arm. She began to drag him out of the locker room as if he were a rag doll, causing Scott to facepalm himself as he groaned in annoyance.


"What the hell is happening to this kid!" Stiles shouted as he and Derek tried to hold Brett down for Deaton to make an incision, but the young werewolf began to shake as if he were having a seizure. As he they did so, Brett began spitting up yellow wolf's bane everywhere.

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. I need to make an incision," Deaton explained as he held out a surgical knife, "And you need to hold him as still as possible." 

"Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles asked, clearly struggling to hold Brett down.

"Yeah, I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength." Derek argued, "And where the hell is Veronica, she's the one who brought him here begging us to help him?"

"Five bucks say she'll make an unexpected entrance when we need her most," Stiles commented, earning an annoyed glare from both Deaton and Derek.

"If you can't hold him still, the incision might kill him," Deaton spoke up louder.

"Guy, he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him," Stiles told them as Brett's eyes shot open. He growled out, his eyes glowing yellow. Brett suddenly pushed everyone backward before getting up from the metal table.  

  Brett turned and began to run for the door, only to have his jaw collide with Veronica's fist. Veronica smirked as she looked over at Stiles, "I guess Derek owes you five bucks." She remarked before kneeling down next to Brett.

"Hey, Doc, I'm pretty sure he's not breathing," Stiles commented.

 Stiles and Deaton quickly knelt next to Brett's lying body beside Veronica. Deaton lifted up his surgical knife and sliced a line through his chest, letting out the Wolfsbane. Brett let out a gasp as he did so but stayed out cold.

"Is he okay?" Veronica asked, surprisingly sounding concerned for the boy's well-being.

 Deaton looked up at her, "I think he'll be fine, but probably out for a while," He informed her.

 Veronica frowned as she looked down to see Brett muttering words under his breath,  "Guys, can you hear that? I think he's saying something." Stiles spoke up.

 Veronica tilted her head to the side as she moved her ears closer to Brett's mouth, "The sun...The moon...The truth... The sun...The moon...The truth..." He whispered softly.

"Three things cannot long be hidden," Veronica explained, "The sun, the moon, and the truth," Derek, Stiles, and Deaton looked at her shocked, not knowing she even knew that, "It's Buddhist and I know exactly what pack he's from, Satomi Ito's." 


Veronica was asleep on the seat that was leaning against the wall of the Animal Clinic. It was about midnight and Veronica decided that she'd be the one to stay with Brett. 

 Brett suddenly awakened with a gasp, causing Veronica to wake up also. She quickly stood up and walked over to him, "Morning, sunshine." She greeted him sarcastically, with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Where am I?" He asked concerned as sat up and began looking around to find himself in an unknown place.

"Beacon Hills Animal Hospital," She informed the younger werewolf, "We took you here to save you from the wolfsbane after Violet attacked you."

Brett's eyes widened as he turned to Veronica, "You saved my life," He stated in disbelief.

"Yeah, I actually did. Call it my 'random act of heroism for a guy I don't even like'," She commented jokingly, "Come on, I'll take you home. I hope you're okay with riding on a bike."

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