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Later on that night, Veronica drove the car she borrowed from Lydia to her lake house with Liam in the passenger's seat. As she drove, she noticed Liam struggling to keep calm since he was oblivious to the side effects on the full moon, "It's Lydia Martin's lake house," Veronica informed him, "She's my ex-girlfriend, but still a close friend of mine."

Liam winced as he placed his left hand over his ear, "Can you turn the music down?" He asked as he flinched a bit.

Veronica furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she took one of her hands off the steering wheel "Dude, it's not even loud," She told him before turning the music up, "Maybe I misheard you. I'll turn the music up."

Veronica almost began to laugh when Liam jumped in fright as his phone vibrated. After Liam read whatever the text said, he turned to Veronica, "Who'd you say was coming to this party?" Liam asked her curiously.

"Umm..." Veronica trailed off as a smile formed on her lips, "Everyone."

It was silent between them for a moment before Veronica spoke up, "So what school did you go to before Beacon Hills High, Liam?" Veronica asked curiously.

Liam began to tense up at Veronica's question, more than he already was before, "I went to Devenford Prep."

"Why did you to have to transfer schools in the middle of the year?" Veronica questioned as she began to listen in on his heartbeat, "Did you get kicked out? I'm guessing that's what happened."

Liam nodded quickly, "I, uh, trashed my Coach's car after he benched for too many red cards." He explained to her and Veronica nodded her head in response.

"Let me guess," Veronica told him, "I.E.D.?"

"How did you—" Liam frowned at her awesome guess.

"The doctors when I was younger used to think I had it, but come to find out, I just have anger issues for sure..." Veronica trailed off as she began to have flashes in her mind of herself killing the numerous people in her pack, her eyes filled with rage. The most recent one, Kincaid.

She shook that thought out of her mind and smiled, "Back when I lived in a different town a couple hours away from Beacon Hills, my former friend, Theo, and I pissed off a teacher badly and he ended up failing us for the whole year, even though we were both straight A students." She explained to him.

"How did you guys piss him off?" Liam asked curiously.

"Theo and I may or may not have told the whole school that he tried to get students to sleep with him in order to pass his class," Veronica bit her lip nervously as she told the story, "My dad was furious when he saw my report card and I ended up getting in big trouble. Really big trouble. I ended up forcing Theo to tag along with me to get pay back. I went to school one night when he was grading papers and we slashed the tires to his Mustang, smashed all the windows and took a baseball to it all," She told the story, a small smile appearing on her lips, "Theo ended up getting expelled along with me and he was forced to move while I was put in a Catholic all-girls school to keep me away from boys," Veronica glanced at Liam before back at the road in front of her, "Little did they know..." She muttered under her breath as she smirked and Liam didn't seem to understand what she meant by it one bit.

"Did he really screw students?" Liam asked curiously and Veronica sighed, feeling as if that was the only thing he had gotten from the whole story.

"Of course he did." I sighed, "He even tried it on me and that was probably the worst decision he made in his life."


Once arriving at Lydia's lakehouse, both Liam and Veronica exited the car, "Where is everyone?" Liam asked confused when he saw only Stiles' jeep and the car that he had just gotten out of in the parking lot.

"They're here," Veronica answered brightly, "It's a small party." She told him before realizing that it contradicted what she had said earlier, "Before you ask, everyone else is coming soon. My friends and I like to have a little pre-party before the people actually come."

Liam still seemed a bit confused so Veronica quickly locked arms with him before leading him inside the Lake House, "Let's go! Yay! Party!"

Liam and Veronica entered Lydia's lake house to find Scott, Kira, Lydia, Malia, Stiles standing in the living room, waiting for them to arrive. Liam frowned at this and quickly turned to Veronica, who locked the front door before pressing her back against it, blocking the exit, "Sorry," Veronica apologized to him but it was clear she didn't mean it.

Liam sighed as he turned back to the rest of the group, "What the hell is this?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"Think of it like an intervention," Stiles spoke up, "You have a problem, Liam."

"And we're the only ones who can help," Scott added in, sounding sincere with his statement unlike Stiles, who sounded a bit sarcastic.


Soon after, the whole group had introduced what kind of supernatural creature they were and Liam clearly thought they were on high on crack because he didn't believe a word that they had said.

Liam pointed to each member of the group as he went by them starting with Veronica, "Werewolf. Werewolf. Werecoyote. Banshee. Fox?" He stopped on Kira, who was quick to correct him.

"Kitsune," She corrected him as she shrugged her shoulder, "But fox works."

Liam then turned to Stiles and gave him a questioning look, "What are you?" He asked him curiously.

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit." Stiles explained to him, "It was very evil."

Liam nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest, "What are you now?" He asked again.

"Better," Stiles replied and Veronica couldn't help but quietly laugh, "Umm..."

Liam then turned his head and looked down at Malia's bag of chains, "Are those for me?" Liam asked curiously.

"No, they're for me," Malia argued, glowing her blue eyes as she glared at him.

"How did you do that?" Liam asked confused.

"You'll learn," Scott assured the boy, "But first, you need to get through the full moon."

"The moon's already out," Liam retorted, anger laced in his tone.

Veronica sighed when she heard his heartbeat rise. She immediately knew if he didn't calm down, he would turn.

"You're starting to feel something because of it now, aren't you?" Veronica questioned.

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs," Liam argued angrily, "You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know you did that eye thing and I don't care! I'm walking out that door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna..." Liam screamed out as he placed his hands over his ears.

"Liam, you need to calm down. Tell me what's wrong." Veronica told him as she walked toward the younger werewolf.

"You don't hear that?" Liam asked, causing both Veronica and Scott to use their werewolf hearing to hear cars arriving.

Liam groaned out as he knelt on the ground, Veronica kneeling down next to him to make sure he was okay, "Did you tell someone about this?" Lydia asked concerned.

"My friend, Mason," Liam panted out as he responded, "You said it was a party."

"And who did Mason invite?" Stiles asked curiosuly.

"Everyone," Kira informed the group.

Liam began to turn which made his claws scratch on the floor, "The floors!" Lydia yelled out nervously, "Get him off the floors!"

Liam lifted his head up and growled at Lyda, causing her to back up. Scott quickly turned to Veronica and Kira, "We need to get him to the boathouse. Now!"

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