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The following night, once getting a call from Liam asking to come over, Veronica made her way to Liam's house. Liam was lying in his bed, scared after hallucinating a Berserker. Suddenly, there was a knock on his window and Liam turned his head to see that Veronica was sitting outside his window, smirking.

 Liam quickly turned on the light before walking over to the window and opening it. Veronica had a hood overhead, protecting herself from the rain, "Hey there, Romeo." She grinned at him as Liam moved out of the way so she could enter.

 Veronica frowned when she saw Liam wasn't smiling at her entrance. Instead, he had a scared look on his face, "What's wrong?" She asked him concerned.

"Don't tell Scott, but..." Liam trailed as both he and Veronica took a seat at the foot of the bed, "Ever since the night at the hospital when I fought the Berserkers with you and Kira, I can't get those things out of my head. I keep seeing them everywhere and I can't seem to sleep, especially when the light's not on." He explained and Veronica frowned in confusion.

 "Why haven't you told anyone?" She questioned and Liam shrugged, not knowing the answer, "Well, I think I have a great idea on how to make you sleep."

 Liam stared at Veronica in confusion as she took off her jacket and shoes. She then walked over to the left side of Liam's bed and got under the covers, "I'll sleepover." She offered with a smile before pointing at Liam, "No funny business though, Goldilocks. I'm happily single and I intend to keep it that way for a while." She informed him and Liam couldn't help but laugh at Veronica as he walked over to his side of the bed and laid down.

  Veronica turned on her side as she closed her eyes, "Night, Liam." She told him quietly.

"Night, Veronica." He replied, a smile forming on his lips when he turned off his light to find himself seeing no Berserkers in sight.


 The following morning at school, after skipping Econ because she was dreading to see her test results, Veronica was walking by the exercise room when saw Liam struggling to get the bench press off of himself. Veronica sighed, running over to the boy. She quickly lifted the weight off of him with one hand and placed it back in its set place.

  Mason soon approached the two and watched as Liam quickly sat up, holding his chest as he groaned in pain, "Liam?" Mason called out to his friend concerned. 

 Veronica watched in concerned as Liam took a seat on the ground, holding his hand against his chest. She quickly knelt next to him and Liam immediately looked up, "I'm fine." He snapped them.

  Veronica glanced over at Mason before back at Liam, her voice becoming just above a whisper, "If you don't want to be us, that okay," Veronica told him, referring to Scott and the rest of the pack, "But don't push your friends away, too. It will be the biggest mistake you will ever make when you're this age."

  Liam thought about Veronica's words for a moment before looking up at Mason, who randomly stood there. He then looked back at Veronica and nodded his head in understanding.


 Later on that night, it was time for the game against Devenford Prep. Veronica was worried about both Scott and Kira. She wondered what was making her so damn late. The bright lights the towered over the lacrosse field soon came on, meaning the game was reaching its start.

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