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Veronica walked into Miss Fleming's math class and took her usual seat behind Lydia like she always did. She turned her head to see Malia walk in and then walk back out. She chuckled to herself when Stiles placed his hands on Malia's shoulders as he brought her back into the classroom, "I hate Math, it's pointless!" Malia complained to Stiles as he led her over to her seat to Lydia's right.

"It's school," Stiles replied as he walked over and took a seat behind Malia, across from Veronica, "School is important, and math is essential."

Malia held her books and three colored markers tightly to his chest as she turned to face Stiles, "To what?" She questioned with attitude, clearly annoyed.

"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants," Stiles told her and both Lydia and Veronica rolled her eyes at his response as they turned to give him an annoyed look.

Lydia then turned to Malia and leaned forward so she could talk to her, "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering,..." She trailed off as she turned to glare at Stiles.

Stiles pointed at Lydia and nodded his head before he turned to look at Malia once more, "Tipping." He repeated his previous statement.

Veronica groaned as she placed her head in her hand, "All right, volunteers to the board." Miss Fleming spoke up as she pointed to the students she wanted to go up, "Lydia, Veronica, Malia."

Malia immediately looked up at the teacher once hearing her name and frowned, "Umm..." She began to protest, "I didn't volunteer."

Miss Fleming looked over at Malia as she erased apart of what was on the board, "You did now. To the board." She commanded and both Lydia and Veronica got up from their seats with no problem and walked over to the board.

Malia turned around in her seat to look at Stiles, who smiled as he gave her an encouraging thumbs up. Noticing that his girlfriend didn't seem to happy, Stiles placed his hands down on the desk and stopped smiling. Malia's lips quivered as she growled at Stiles under her breath. She got up and walked over to the board, standing in the middle of Lydia and Veronica.

Veronica and Lydia ended up finishing math problems without any trouble. Veronica turned her head to see Malia had nothing done on the board, she had only written, 'X ='.

"Did you go for the notes I gave you?" Lydia asked Malia quietly.

"I didn't understand them," Malia told her nervously.

Lydia glanced around and made sure the teacher wasn't looking before looked over at Malia's math problem, "X equal twenty-four." Lydia informed her.

Veronica sighed as she turned to Lydia, "It's actually twenty-five." Veronica corrected her and Lydia rolled her eyes as she turned to the problem once more.

Once doing the problem once more in her head, Lydia's eyes widened when she realized Veronica was actually right, "Veronica's right. It's actually twenty-five." She admitted before walking back to her seat.

Veronica smiled proudly at herself before it fell when she saw Malia had her claws out as she wrote the answer Veronica gave her for the math problem she was assigned, "Malia?" She spoke up and Malia quickly turned to her, "Put away the claws before somebody sees."


Once Stiles had gotten the notification about there being a triple homicide the night before, Kira, Scott, Veronica, and Stiles himself walked down the hallway together, talking about it, "An axe murderer?" Kira asked in disbelief.

"A family-murdering axe murderer." Stiles corrected her as he tried his best to keep up with the three other teenagers as they walked down the hallway.

"What is this, New Orleans?" Veronica muttered under her breath even though she had already heard about it from Scott.

"Veronica and I already heard about it," Scott informed the group.

"Wait. What? You did? How?" Stiles questioned them confused.

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news. And I had English right after that and Veronica and I sit next to each other so I told her," Scott explained to them as he turned to Stiles, who had stopped walking.

"Perfect. Let's go." Stiles decided as he began in the direction of the exit doors so he could get to his Jeep.

"Woah, woah," Scott spoke up, causing Stiles to turn to him once more, "We've got Econ in five minutes."

"Right," Stiles nodded, his voice becoming sarcastic, "Did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe murderer?" He questioned, not understanding why Scott was so keen on staying in class instead of skipping school.

"Stiles, did happen to forget your father's the sheriff?" Veronica retorted with a raised brow.

"They want us to stay out of it." Scott added into Veronica's comment.

"Are you guys kidding me?" Stiles asked in disbelief, "There's a family-murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Kira suggested, taking Scott's side on the argument.

Stiles made a weird face at the two of them, not believing that they didn't want to help. He then turned to Veronica, giving her a pleading look, "Sorry, dude, but for once, I'm just a teenage, not a supernatural goal in life, just the goal to finish high school with passing grades." Veronica explained and Stiles rolled his eyes at her as he glanced at the three teenagers in front of him.

"So the three of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class?" Stiles asked and all three of them, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life." Stiles said sarcastically as he walked away from them.

"We'll see you at tryouts?" Scott asked, referring to both himself and Veronica.

Stiles did a weird thing with his hands as he ignored his best friend's question and walked away. Once the bell rang, Veronica and Kira began to walk away from Scott, going their own way, "Hey, so you know that thing you texted me saying that you wanted to talk about?" She asked her curiously and Kira smiled, almost as if she were hiding something.

"Yeah," She answered happily.

  Veronica turned to Kira, "Yeah. Can we talk later though? Like after Lacrosse tryouts? Because I'm trying my hardest not to skip any classes this semester. Do you mind waiting? I promise, it's not that long. Is that alright with you?" Veronica suggested and it seemed as if Kira's smile fell.

"Umm..." Kira trialed off, "I...You know what? Sure. That's fine with me."

"Great," Veronica smiled as she turned to face Kira filled, "I guess I'll see you then."

  Without thinking, Veronica quickly gave Kira a peck on the lips before walking into biology where Scott was already sitting down. She took a seat beside him and placed her books down.

Veronica's eyes widened as she looked up from staring down at the desk in front, "Aw, what the—" As Veronica went to go finish her sentence, the late bell sounded, drowning out the curse word she had muttered.

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