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After tracking his scent all the way to the former Hale House, Veronica watched as Derek broke through the fence to find his former home left in pieces, all taken down. Veronica didn't know the whole story about the Hale house until just a few days ago so she knew for a fact if Derek had asked her when she approached him, she wouldn't decided to be the one to tell him his whole entire family died in a fire. Well, almost everyone.

Veronica let out a sigh as she pushed the broken fence out of the way and walked into the land that said 'No Trespassing'. She hoped to herself that no cops would come.

Even though she had warmed up to Sheriff Stillinski and even Agent McCall because she ended up seeing Scott's father a lot since she lived at the McCall house, she still didn't like the idea of being involved with any cops.

Veronica walked over to where Derek was kneeling next to what was left of the burned down Hale house. She knelt next to him, causing Derek to turn to her and give her a confused look, "Who are you?" Derek asked her confused as a smile appeared on her lips.

"I'm Veronica Morgan. You may not know me, but your family does." Veronica introduced herself as she held out her hand.

Derek didn't shake her hand, instead, his eyes lit up in realization. Veronica figured that his memories were starting to come back, but of course, it was the opposite of what she had expected.

"Morgan? As in Anastasia Morgan?" He replied and Veronica's eyes widened in shock.

"Y-You know my mother?" Veronica asked him, a frown on her face.

"Of course, I do. She's my mother's best friend, how wouldn't I know her? I didn't know she had a daughter though," Derek explained to her before he turned to look at his house once more, "What happened to my house?" He asked confused, "Where is everyone?"

As Veronica was about to answer his question with a full on lie, a deputy car pulled up and two men walked over to them.

Veronica knew one of them was named Parrish. The same deputy that was knocked out by Kincaid right before she and the twins kicked the crap out of him, "Excuse me, young man? Young lady?" Parrish called out to both werewolves as he and the other deputy began to walk closer to them.

"You're calling them young man and young lady?" The other cop asked him, an amused smile on his face.

"Shut up, Haigh," Parrish replied annoyed before he turned back to Veronica and Derek, "Sorry, but you can't be here."

Derek continued to ignore the two deputies while Veronica closed her eyes, trying to keep her cool before she went psycho on the two deputies and killed them out of anger, "Hey, dumbass one and dumbass two. You ever hear of no trespassing?" Deputy Haigh asked them with attitude.

"This is my house." Derek answered Parrish's question as he turned to face them.

Veronica groaned at Derek's answer, "Shut the hell up, Derek." She growled at him, making sure she spoke to him, quiet enough so the two deputies couldn't hear.

"Nobody's been here for years, kid," Haigh answered annoyed, "Now both of you, get the hell out of here,"

"Haigh..." Parrish trailed off, "Maybe a slightly gentler touch?" He suggested as he turned to Derek and Veronica, "Are you all right? We can help you guys if something's wrong."

"What happened to my house? Where's my family? Where's my mother?" Derek asked and Veronica began to feel bad about how oblivious Derek was.

Haigh wasn't believing the story at all and roughly pulled Derek up before turning Veronica, "All right, let's go. Now."

As he roughly grabbed Veronica up by the arm, Derek growled, "Get your hand off of me, Asshole! I didn't even do anything!" Veronica shouted at him as she tried to get out his grasp.

When he didn't let go out of Veronica, Derek walked over and gripped his hand around Haigh's and pulled him off of Veronica. Haigh groaned in pain as he finally let go of Veronica. Derek kept his grip on him and Veronica looked at him nervously, "Hold on, just take it easy." Parrish spoke up as Derek turned to him, Haigh then pulled out his tazer, "Haigh, would you...Don't...Wait!" Parrish tried to stop him but It was to late, Derek was tasered in the stomach.

Once Derek was on the ground, Haigh turned to Veronica, about to taze her.

Veronica lifted her hands up in surrender and slowly backed away, "Look, dude. I didn't refuse. There's no reason to..." Veronica screamed out as she got tazed and fell to the ground, "Twice in two days Goddammit!" She complained as she laid on the ground, still shaking a bit from the electricity.

Just fifteen minutes later, Veronica sat handcuffed to a bench in the Sheriff's Station beside Derek. Veronica turned to Veronica, an angry look on her face, "Remind me to punch you when we get out of here." Veronica growled out as she glared at him. She could have easily gotten out of the cuffs, but she didn't want to out herself.

"What do you mean?" Derek scoffed at her, giving her a look of disbelief, "I tried to help you when you got grabbed up by him."

Veronica growled at him once more, glowing her eyes at him. Derek looked at her with a shocked expression, "You're an Alpha." He realized, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, and let me tell you, when I get out of here, I gonna go crazy Alpha on your ass." She told him angrily.

She calmed down a bit when she turned her head to see Parrish placing down a clipboard on the desk before walking toward them.

Parish sighed as he knelt down, holding a key to unlock their handcuffs in his hand. "The other deputy thinks I'm an idiot for even asking, but I have a feeling if I take these cuffs off, you guys are going to be okay? And I think you both can help us figure out what happened to your family so that we can get you guys out of here. Am I right?" Parrish asked them as he unlocked their handcuffs.

"The other deputy is the freaking idiot." Veronica scoffed.

"I can't argue with that." He replied with a smile.

"Why do you seem so familiar?" Parrish asked as he turned his head to look over at Veronica .

"Well, I'm a frequent visitor of the station," Veronica answered jokingly, "But not in criminal way, I'm friends with the Sheriff's son." She explained to him with a smile on her face.

"Ah," Parrish replied with a nod of his head.

"Parrish, get over here," Haigh shouted out to the deputy that was kneeling in front of Veronica and Derek, "I already got the girl's, but I ran the boy's prints eight times this is all that comes up." He informed him.

From the corner of her eye, Veronica saw the Sheriff walk into the station, causing her to sigh in relief.

"Derek Hale?" Parrish frowned, "And the girl is Veronica Morgan?"

"Did you say Hale?" Sheriff asked confused as he walked over to the two deputies, quickly glancing over at Veronica, who gave him a pleading look.

Soon after, he figured out it was Derek and not a moment too soon, Scott and Stiles entered.

"I'll handle this." Sheriff assured the two deputies as he walked over to Veronica and uncuffed her.

She gave Derek a sympathetic look as she followed the sheriff into his office alongside Scott and Stiles, "I want you to be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?"

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