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Liam began to groan in pain as the whole team ran over to him to see if he was alright. He tried to get up from the ground, but seemed to have a bit of trouble doing so. Once seeing him on the ground, Coach began to run toward Liam, "Don't move! Don't touch him!" Coach shouted and both Scott and Stiles raised their hands up in defense.

"I'm okay, Coach. I'm all right." Liam assured him, but everyone knew it was the complete opposite. 

Liam tried to stand up by himself, causing him to scream out in pain. Scott and Stiles quickly grabbed Liam's arms and placed them around their shoulders to hold him up. Liam took heavy breaths as he tried to deal with the pain, "I-I think it's my leg." He told Coach as he stared down at his injured leg.

  Stiles glanced down for a moment before looking back up at Coach, "I think we better get him to the nurse." Stiles spoke up and Coach nodded, pointing over to the entrance doors, "Let's go, Ronnie."

  Veronica's eyes widened when she heard what Stiles had called her, but still followed the two boys as they carried Liam to the nurse, "Don't call me that, asshole," She told him, trying to contain her anger, "Only Aiden and Ethan gets to call me that." Veronica noticed what she had said and sighed before she corrected herself, "Used to, I mean."


"Hey!" Veronica greeted Kira as she walked over to her while she sat on steps of school with a lacrosse helmet in her hand, "Sorry you had to see all of that at practice. I warned Scott to be careful when using extra strength, but of course, he didn't listen. Now, I'm gonna have to go with Scott and Stiles to bring Liam to the hospital. They said it might be a sprain and it could possibly even be a break." She explained to Kira, who smiled as she stared up at her.

"It's okay," Kira nodded in understanding, "We can talk later, right?" She asked and Veronica nodded slowly.

"And I meant to tell you this, but I am really, really sorry about before. When I did that thing in the hallway earlier?" Veronica told her, "I have no clue what I was thinking and it was really stupid of me."

"It's fine. Totally okay." Kira assured her with a small smile on her face.

"I didn't mean to make things any more awkward or weird between us. I've never done that before in this kind of thing." Veronica confessed, "I'm sorry."

 Kira nodded as Veronica began to walk away. Before she entered the locker room, Veronica stopped walking, "Screw it." She whispered as she turned around to face Kira once more, "You what? I'm gonna be honest with you. I am not sorry for kissing you because I like you a lot." She admitted as she walked toward Kira.

Kira smiled brightly at Veronica as she stood up from her seat on the stairs. She wrapped her arms around Veronica's neck as Veronica placed her arms around Kira's waist. The two females kissed each other passionately in the school hallway, not caring who could see them. Veronica and Kira separated for a moment, smiling at each other before they began to kiss once more.

  Kira pulled away from Veronica after a long moment, knowing that the female alpha had to leave soon, "Call me later?" She asked curiously and Veronica nodded.

"Always," She replied smiling.


 Veronica, Stiles, and Scott stood at the front desk of the hospital alongside an injured Liam. Stiles was stuck holding Liam up while Scott and Veronica tried to check him in. Just then, Melissa walked by and stopped when she saw the three teenagers standing beside an injured boy, "Hi, Mom." Scott greeted him mother while both Stiles and Veronica awkwardly waved at her.

 After getting Liam into a wheelchair, Melissa stood back up and began to speak to the teenage boy, "Don't worry, Liam. We'll take good care of you." She assured him before pushing the wheelchair he was sitting on in the direction of the examination room, leaving Stiles, Scott, and Veronica standing there by themselves.

 After watching Liam be wheeled away, Scott let out a sigh, "I got to get going," Stiles told Veronica and Scott, "I promised Malia I'd help her study."

"Sure," Scott nodded his head, "I want to check on him anyway," Scott turned to Veronica, "You staying?"

"Yeah, sure," Veronica replied, giving him a small smile.

Stiles was about to walk away, but he stopped himself and turned back around to face Scott once more, "Hey, I don't need to say this wasn't your fault, right?" Stiles spoke up curiously.

Scott didn't answer at first and just shook his head, "I don't know," he told him quietly.

"Scott, if you had used any wolf power, that kid wouldn't be limping, he'd be crawling, back to the other half of his body." Stiles reminded him.

"If I hadn't been so worried about being captain he wouldn't be hurt either," Scott stated, clearly disappointed in himself.

Veronica sighed as she turned to Scott, "Scott, it's okay to want something for yourself once in a while. It doesn't make you any less selfless. Team captain, Alpha werewolf. You deserve to be those for everything that you do. But remember, you're still only human." She explained to him as she and Scott watched Stiles walk out of the hospital.


While Scott was checking up on Liam, Veronica decided to take a walk through the hallway. Suddenly, the scent of both a supernatural creature and blood filled her nose. Veronica's widened when she heard a Melissa scream from the floor above her.

  Without hesitation, Veronica ran up the stairs and made her way to the floor above the one she was on. Veronica got there just in time to see a boy about her age, trying to attack Melissa.

 As glowed her red eyes, Veronica roared out, gaining the attention the attention of what she presumed was a wendigo, "Hey, dipshit! Didn't your mother ever tell you to never put your hands on a girl?" She asked sassily.

  The wendigo growled at her, revealing his numerous rows of sharp teeth as he ran toward her. As Veronica lunged for him, Melissa quickly moved out of the way. Veronica grabbed him and threw him across the room, causing him to slam against the wall.

 She then grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the ground before she jumped on top of him. Veronica extended her claws out as she began to slash him. Before she could slash his throat, Scott arrived, "Veronica, no! Don't kill him!" Scott yelled in protest.

 Veronica turned to face him, about to argue. While she distracted, the wendigo bit her on the arm, causing her to yell out in pain as he pushed her off of him. The wendigo made a run for it and before Scott ran after him, he turned to Veronica and Melissa, "Are you okay?"

 "I'm alright." They both answered in unison.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Scott, stop asking us if we're okay and get the son of a bitch!" Veronica screamed at him angrily and Scott quickly obeyed.

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