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 After Scott and Stiles explained to the Sheriff what was going on, Veronica, Stiles and Scott made their way back over to Derek

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After Scott and Stiles explained to the Sheriff what was going on, Veronica, Stiles and Scott made their way back over to Derek. After the Sheriff unhandcuffed him, they brought him back into the Sheriff's office, "I'll go with Veronica, but why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek asked Scott as he and Veronica walked over to stand in front of the younger version of Derek.

"There was an accident. You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." Scott explained to him and Derek gave him a puzzled look.

"How much memory?" Derek replied with his own question.

"A lot. But you can trust us." Scott glanced over at Veronica before she and him knelt in front of Derek. Scott looked down for a moment and then lifted his head back up, glowing his red eyes as he stared at Derek.

"You're an Alpha, like Veronica," Derek came to a realization, "Okay, Veronica, who is he? And who is he? Who are you?" He asked them and Veronica frowned at how much it sounded like Derek truly trusted her unlike Scott and Stiles. She didn't know why though.

Stiles looked up from staring down at the letters on his father's desk and looked over at Derek, "Oh, we're the people keeping you and Veronica out of jail." Stiles told him and Derek shook his head.

"Let us all help you," Scott spoke up and Derek was quick to argue.

  Derek shook his head once more, "No."

"Okay, dude, you almost tore apart two cops back there--" Stiles began to tell him, but Derek cut him off.

"One of them was trying to hurt Veronica!" Derek argued and both Scott and Stiles turned to Veronica giving her a confused look. She shrugged at this, not knowing the right answer.

"Okay," Stiles argued back, "You need to listen to us. And that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolfman. You got that?"

"I'm fine as long as it's not on a full moon," Derek replied to his comment and Veronica frowned at him.

"You still have trouble with the full moon?" Veronica asked him confused.

"I said I'm fine," Derek argued slightly annoyed as he looked up at the female Alpha, who was now standing up.

"All right, you coming with us or not?" Stiles questioned as he stood up from leaning on his father's desk.

"You want me to trust you guys?" Derek questioned, "Where's my family, Veronica? I know that you know. You didn't answer me when I asked you earlier."

  Veronica stepped forward and Scott, who didn't know what she was doing, grabbed her by the arm, stopping her. She grabbed Scott's arms and pulled it off of her and walked over to Derek. Veronica took a seat on the couch that Derek was sitting on. She grabbed his hand and held it in her own, figuring that if she made him feel more comfortable, he wouldn't think she was lying straight to his face.

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