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Soon after, the Chinese food had been set out on the table and three male and Veronica sat at the dinner table together while they ate, "So, uh, Miguel. What did you say your last name was again?" Agent McCall asked curiously and at the same time, both Veronica and Derek to Stiles for the answer.

"Yeah, what is it?" Veronica asked sarcastically as she glared at Stiles, still angry he had said that Derek was her boyfriend.

"Oh, it's Juarez. Cinqua...Tiago." Stiles replied as he looked down at his food, both Derek, and Veronica looking at him weirdly.

"That's a mouthful," Rafael commented as he turned to Derek, "How do you spell that?"

"Phonetically," Stiles answered for Derek, causing Veronica to groan as she placed her head in her hands.

Veronica moved her hands away from her face just in time to see Derek staring down at Rafael's FPI badge, "Mr. McCall, you're an FBI agent?" He spoke up curiously.

"He's low level. Very low level. He doesn't even have a voice." Stiles quickly answered, trying to change the subject.

"So do you investigate murders?" Derek asked and Veronica let out a sigh, knowing that Derek was extremely close.

"Sometimes," He replied as he nodded his head, "When it's a Federal crime."

"What about fires?" Derek asked and Stiles began to anxiously tap on his plate with his chopsticks.

"Oh my God," Stiles spoke up, "I wonder where Scott is. Shouldn't Scott be here by now? We should call Scott."

Veronica quickly went to stand up but was interrupted by Agent Mccall, "What kind of fires are you talking about?"

"Do you know anything about the Hale family?" Derek asked and both Veronica and Stiles locked eyes, both of them looking nervous.


After going to the bathroom for a second, Veronica could have a sworn she heard she smelt an unfamiliar scent nearby. Veronica's eyes widened when she realized it was similar to the one she had smelled in Mexico at the Chuch.

She quickly ran into Scott's room where Derek was to see a blonde female that she presumed to be Kate smirking as she climbed out the window, "You, bitch!" Veronica growled out as she ran to the window and looked out to see Kate and Derek were already gone, "Derek? Derek!" She shouted out to him, but of course, got no answer.


After getting the text from Scott, Veronica arrived at the school to see that Malia and Peter were already with. The four of them walked up the steps together until Malia suddenly stopped, "Did you catch a scent?" Scott asked Malia concerned.

"It's the same one," Malia told him as began to look around, "It's the same one as Mexico."

"What is she talking about?" Peter asked them confused as the group walked closer to Malia.

"One of them came after us in the Church ruins." Veronica informed Peter.

"And one on the road," Malia added in as walked up a few steps to be closer to Peter, Scott, and Veronica, "They couldn't have followed us here."

"But they could've been brought," Scott's eyes widened in realization, "By Kate."

Suddenly, the group of werecreatures could hear a growl from a distance and Veronica turned to look at Peter to see that it seemed as if he recognized the sound before, "Oh, I've heard that sound before." Peter commented as he turned to the three teenagers, "Did it have an animal skull? A human wearing a skull over its face?"

"I think so." Malia replied, seeming a bit unsure about her answer.

"What are they?" Scott asked him nervously.

Peter turned away from the group as the growls continued, "Berserkers." He lowly growled.

Veronica's eyes widened as she turned her head to see what Peter called a berserker walking toward them. Malia growled as she got ready to fight the berserker. Before she could run after it, Peter grabbed Malia by her arm and pulled her back, "Are you crazy?" Peter asked in disbelief.

"There's just one of them," Malia told him.

"That means we have a chance," Peter informed his daughter.

"To beat him?" She asked as she tried to walk forward, but Peter kept pulling her back.

"To survive," Peter said as he let go of Malia and began to run.

Scott, Malia, and Veronica watched as Peter ran and they followed him soon after. The Berserker began to chase after and soon enough in came the second front of them. Scott, Malia, Veronica began to slowly back away from the Berserkers and up the stairs, "Scott, it's both of them. Both of them are here." Malia told them quickly.

"Where the hell's Peter?" Veronica complained loudly.

"I don't know. He just took off." Malia explained as the Berserker slowly came up the stairs.

As they ran up the stairs, two appeared in front of them, making it three berserkers in total, "There's three!" Veronica shouted out.


As Malia, Scott, and Veronica continued to fight the Berserkers, they ended up doing a terrible job of it. Veronica groaned as she got slashed on the stomach by the Berserker's weapons. She then got thrown off the staircase and onto the cement on the ground floor, "Veronica!" Scott yelled out worriedly as he heard how hard she had hit the ground.

Veronica winced in pain, feeling her back break as it impacted with the cement, "Are you okay?" Kira asked Veronica concerned as she stood in front of the injured girl.

"I'll be fine, just help me up." Veronica replied as she held her hand out.

Kira quickly grabbed the girl's hand and pulled up, Veronica's back loudly cracking as she did so. She winced at the sound before looking up to see the Berserkers closing in on Scott and Malia.

Kira and Veronica ran up to save their friends, Kira holding her sword in her hands. Kira began to fight the berserkers, only to end up on the ground next to Scott and Malia.

Veronica growled out, her red eyes glowing as she ran after one of the berserkers. Veronica lifted her head and kicked the Berserker in the chest, causing it to surprisingly fall backward. Derek suddenly arrived and began to help Veronica fight the berserkers. Scott's eyes glanced from Veronica and Derek, both of them doing a kick-ass job. Derek began to turn back to normal while Veronica jumped on top of the lying Berserker. She roared out loudly as she grabbed onto the animal skull covering the berserker's face. Scott, Malia, and Kira watched in shock as she ripped it off, the berserker turning total dust. Veronica heard the sudden roar of Kate, which had the two berserkers running toward with the one dead.

"Derek? Veronica?" Scott called out as both of them turned around to reveal Derek was back to his normal self and Veronica held a dead berserker head in her hands.

Veronica's eyes widened when she realized Derek's eyes were yellow, not blue.

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