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That night, it was time for the lacrosse game against the Devenford Prep team. Veronica sat on the bench in between Kira and Scott, talking about how they suspected that Garrett was the one who had the lacrosse with Wolfsbane on it, "I mean, we can't. We're still not really sure if it's really him." Scott told the two females, "And if we're wrong, then the real assassin gets away."

Veronica smelt how anxious Kira felt and sighed, turning to face her girlfriend, "Are you nervous?" She asked her concerned.

Kira turned to Veronica and put a small smile on her, "About someone trying to kill us? Or about playing my first game?" Kira replied with her own question.

"Both?" Veronica asked as a group of rival team players past by them.

"Definitely both." Kira nodded.

Veronica couldn't help but quietly laugh as she placed her arm around Kira, "Well, on the topic of it being your first lacrosse game, it's my first game, too, so we'll do it together, okay?"

"Okay," Kira smiled at her girlfriend as Veronica quickly kissed her on the cheek.


"Let's go!" Coach yelled out when it was time for the lacrosse game to start, "Let's go, come on!"

Veronica was standing beside Liam, making sure he was fine when Brett suddenly shouted, "Hey, Liam! Think fast!"

Veronica turned her head to see a lacrosse ball heading straight for Liam's face. Without thinking, she extended her arm out and caught it before it could hit him. She turned to Brett and glared at him, "Nice going, Asshole!" She growled out before throwing it back at him at top speed and force.

Her eyes widened when Brett caught it in the net of his lacrosse stick with no problem. She frowned at this, only to come to a realization that Brett might have been a werewolf. Coach blew the whistle, meaning it was time for them to get on the field, "Good luck, Co-Captain." Scott smiled at her as he patted her on the shoulder.


Through the game, the rival team ended up doing a kick-ass job, Brett scoring his team numerous goals. The crowd began to cheer for him, causing Veronica to groan, "And Scott tries to say I cheat by using my werewolf powers." She muttered under her breath.

Scott, Kira, Stiles, and Veronica stood near in each other in the middle of the field to talk, "Why do I feel like this is going to end up badly." Kira asked concerned.

"Because it usually does," Stiles replied quickly.

"Kira, you keep an eye on Garrett. Veronica, you and I will watch out for Liam," Scott commanded and the whole group nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna try to play lacrosse," Stiles shouted to them as his friends ran to their different positions.

Veronica ran over to spot in center to find that Brett was her opponent there. The referee placed the lacrosse ball down in the middle of the two teenagers as both of them got in their crouched positions, "Brett? It's Brett, right?" Veronica spoke up.

"Yup." He replied as he looked up at her.

"Look, I know you and the rest of your team feel as if you owe Liam some payback for what he did to your Coach's car, but I'm begging you, can you please just hold off for one night?" She asked him, "There's always a next game where you can kick his ass. Trust me, it'll be worth it."

"Yeah, I can do that." Brett nodded and Veronica frowned, feeling as if it were easier than she thought it would be.

Veronica's eyes lit up when she heard his words, "Really?" She asked in disbelief.

"No," Brett scoffed, "You might be smoking hot and all, and a really badass Alpha from what I've heard, but doesn't mean I'm going to do anything you say."

"So you are a werewolf!" Veronica growled out as she glowed her red eyes at him.

Just then, the whistle blew and Brett quickly picked up the ball and ran with him, Veronica chasing after him. When doing so, she finally caught up to him, only to have Brett roughly push her, landing her on the ground with a crack.

She groaned in pain as she quickly got up, "I'm gonna kill that little bastard." She growled out, only to see Liam running for Brett, "Liam, no!" She yelled out protectively.

Before he could get far, Liam was pushed back by two Devenford players, causing Veronica to sigh out.

After being knocked to the ground, Liam got back up and took off his helmet, ripping off his helmet. Just as he was about to attack the two players, Veronica and Scott ran over to him, grabbing him by the arms as they pulled him back. Liam growled at them angrily, "Liam, calm the hell down!" Veronica warned him and Liam soon did that, "Don't worry, I think I might want to kick Brett's ass as much as you do honestly."

Veronica turned to Brett, who clearly heard her words, seeing as he had a giant smirk on his face, "I just wanna rip that smirk right off his adorable face." Veronica muttered and both Scott and Liam gave her a puzzled look, "Leave me alone, okay? This is a really horrible week for me. First the full moon and now my period." She confessed.

"I didn't need to hear that!" Stiles shouted out as he ran away from her to continue the game.


After Stiles had gotten the ball, he passed to Kira, who quickly caught the ball, "Run, Kira, run!" Veronica shouted encouragingly.

Once hearing her girlfriend's words, Kira began to run for the goal, "Pass it!" Coach shouted as Kira dodged numerous players, "Kira, pass the ball!"

Kira ended up scoring a goal, but Coach still ended up being mad. He ended up calling her over and benching her for the rest of the game for not listening. Veronica gave Kira a sympathetic look and Kira ended up gesturing for her to keep playing.

As Veronica turned back to the game, Garrett walked past her and gave her a glare, "Hey, Garrett! Quick staring at me like that before I knock your teeth out!" She shouted out and Scott quickly ran over to her and pulled her away.

"What the hell, Veronica? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Scott asked in disbelief.

The game continued and Liam and Brett ended up colliding together with a few other teammates, Veronica had even heard a crack. Liam began to yell out in pain, Brett too.

When Scott and Stiles ran over to Liam to see that only his arm was out of place, Veronica's eyes widened in realization, now knowing that Liam wasn't the target, Brett was.

"Scott, I know who Garrett was after," Veronica quickly told Scott, worry in her eyes, "It wasn't any of us, it was Brett."

Scott looked at Veronica for a moment and immediately noticed that she was about to do something stupid and impulsive, "Veronica, no, don't do it." He told her, but Veronica didn't listen and began to run in the direction that they took Brett, "Veronica, no!"

AN: I can't believe I'm already halfway done with writing Veronica into season 4. I've done episodes 1-4 and the next one is going to be one scene from the end of episode 5 and the rest of it will be episode 6.

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