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Flashback, two months ago:

  After Veronica finished packing her two duffel bags filled with her belongings and walked to the McCall house in the pouring rain. She knocked on the door and soon enough, Mellisa was the one to open it. Veronica could see Scott across the room, looking in the fridge.

Veronica stared at Melissa for a moment, wiping rain off her face, "Remember a few days ago when you asked if I wanted to stay with you guys since...you know?" She trailed off and Melissa nodded her head, "Is that offer still open or not?" She asked Mellisa curiously.

  Melissa smiled at the girl who was her and son's enemy just a few months ago, then turned into one of Scott's most trusted friends and the person who became his anchor,  "Yes, of course, it is, honey," She replied, "What made you change your mind?"

   Veronica tried her hardest to keep a straight face, but soon enough, she began crying, "I thought I could take living alone without Aiden and Ethan, but it's just too much. I can't sleep, knowing that both of my brothers are gone and one is gone for good. And every time I walk through that apartment, I always end up passing Aiden's room and it's still filled with all of his things. And I just can't deal with being in that place anymore by myself." Veronica confessed to her and Melissa sighed, realizing how broken the girl had become since losing the people closest to her.

Melissa gave Veronica a sad look as she pulled her in for a hug, "It's okay. It's going to be okay, honey."

"Veronica?" Scott called out, finally noticing Veronica presence, "What's wrong?" He asked as he walked over to see Veronica crying in Melissa's arms.

   Veronica pulled away from Mellisa's hug and looked at Scott, quickly wiping the streaming tears "Is it okay if I crash here for a bit?" She asked him curiously.

"Like I said, honey, you can stay as long as you want," Mellisa answered for Scott, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, what she said." Scott added in as he walked over and picked up Veronica's two bags, "Let's get you situated. Isaac moved to France so you'll be in his room, okay?"

Flashback over:


It was raining out by the time the group had arrived back in Beacon Hills with Derek

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It was raining out by the time the group had arrived back in Beacon Hills with Derek. Once getting Deaton's Animal Clinic, they quickly brought him in and placed him on the examination table.

"Wow," Deaton muttered as he looked down at the younger version of Derek on the metal table.

  "Wow? Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do,' kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for." Stiles asked Deaton concerned.

  "I think you might be overestimating my abilities," Deaton replied, causing Veronica to sigh.

Veronica frowned as she slowly extended her arm out and held Derek's hand in her own, "Um guys? He's cold. Really really cold." Veronica told the group with a concerned look on his face.

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