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Once he was gone, Melissa ran over to Veronica, who sat on the ground, gripping the bite mark on her arm, "Honey, are you okay?" Melissa asked and Veronica nodded, "Let me see it, Veronica

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Once he was gone, Melissa ran over to Veronica, who sat on the ground, gripping the bite mark on her arm, "Honey, are you okay?" Melissa asked and Veronica nodded, "Let me see it, Veronica."

Veronica didn't listen, forcing Melissa to pry Veronica's hand off of her bite wound. She did so, only to reveal a large bite wound with numerous teeth marks from the wendigo's many rows of teeth, "Shouldn't this be healing already? Since you're an Alpha? Like Scott?" Melissa asked her concerned.

Veronica shook her head, "No, it's the bite from a wendigo, it's gonna take a little while." Veronica informed her as she winced in pain once more.


After finding out Scott had bit Liam and then kidnapped him, only to have the younger boy escape, the pack had a meeting at school to talk about what they should do.

The group of teenagers stood in between two schools buses as they talked, "I'm not sharing my basement." Malia demanded and Lydia was quick to correct the werecoyote female.

"Actually, it's my basement," Lydia corrected her sassily, "And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time."

"Alright, she's still learning," Stiles stuck up for Malia as he placed a hand on her back.

"We're going to use the boathouse for Liam," Scott informed the group, "It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them."

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asked curiously.

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles proposed his own idea, causing Veronica to turn to him and frown.

"I'm in," Malia spoke up as she raised her right hand.

"Why are you so against Liam anyway?" Veronica scoffed at Stiles, only to have Scott start speaking up before Stiles could answer her question.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him," Scott argued.

"Then let's be smarter," Lydia suggested, "We tell him there's a party and invite him."

Scott nodded his head in agreement to the plan while Stiles didn't seem as okay with it, "So, you're going to ask out a freshman?" Stiles questioned.

"I'm done with teenage boys," Lydia decided before turning to Veronica, "And girls," She added in, "But if we're going to do this successfully, why don't we use the girl who that Liam has a little crush on."

Everyone turned to Veronica, causing her to frown, "What are you talking about?" Veronica asked confused, "Liam doesn't have a crush on me."

"You rejected him twice and he still keeps coming back," Stiles argued before turning to Lydia, "She can't use her bike to give him a ride to the lake house so, Lydia, why don't you let Veronica borrow your car?"

Lydia sighed as she hesitant went into her pocket and took out her keys, tossing them to Veronica, who smirked, "Please, do not crash it." She pleaded.

"Can't make any promise," Veronica replied jokingly, earning a glare from Lydia, "I'm kidding, Lydia. Chill."


After his class period ended, Liam Dunbar exited the classroom alongside his best friend, Mason. He stopped walking when his eyes locked on Veronica as she strutted down the hallway, her black high heeled boots clicking as she did so. He seemed mesmerized as she walked in his direction, which left Mason deeply confused, "Liam? Liam?" He called out but didn't get an answer.

He watched closely as Veronica walked right past him, sending him a small smile when she waved at him, "I-uh-will be right back." Liam told Mason quickly following after Veronica.

Veronica stood leaned against the lockers by herself, looking down at her phone, even though it was a totally black screen. She noticed that Liam had followed after her like she expected and smirked. Veronica slowly looked up to see Liam awkwardly standing in front of her, his hands tightly gripping the straps of his backpack as if he were anxious about standing next to Veronica.

It was a known fact to all the students that went to Beacon Hills High School that knew of Veronica knew she was two different people when she was on the field and when she was off the field. On the field, she was like one of the guys, she wore clothes that guys wore while practicing sports and she played rough, but off the field, she was total girly girly; she wore high heels, make up, always dressed up, and had all the guys swooning over her, she even had some of the girls swooning over her, too.

A smile appeared on Veronica's lips as she looked up at Liam, "Oh, hey, Liam. I was just about to look for you." She spoke up brightly as she put her phone back in her leather jacket pocket.

Liam snapped himself out of his trance-like state and looked at her a bit shocked, his eyes wide, "Y-You were?" He asked, stammering a bit.

Veronica tried her hardest to not start laughing from the boy's dorkiness. She pushed herself off of leaning on the lockers and walked closer to Liam, "Yeah, of course," Veronica chuckled, "I was wondering if you'd want to go to this party with me. It's being thrown by one of my girls. Her name's Lydia and she's known for throwing the best parties Beacon Hills has ever seen," She explained, "Want to come with me? It's alright if you don't want to, I can always just go stag..."

"No! No, I'll go with you. I would love to come." Liam immediately said yes to Veronica's offer, "But I don't have a car so how am I supposed to get there?"

Veronica couldn't help but laugh at Liam, "Me, silly! I'll bring you. I have a car." She told him and Liam nodded his head in understanding.

"Oh, okay." He replied and Veronica sent him a smile.

The bell then rang, meaning it was time for the next class of the day, "I should get going, but I'll give you my number." Veronica stated as she picked up her bag from the ground and pulled out a marker. She grabbed Liam's right arm as she used her teeth to pull off the cap of the marker. Veronica leaned her head downwards as she wrote her number on Liam's arm. Once writing her phone number, she left her name and a unfilled heart next to her name as she always did.

She placed the cap back on her marker before picking up her bag, "See you later, Dunbar." Veronica smiled at him before walking off in the direction where Kira stood at the end of the hallway, waiting for her.

"Did it work?" Kira asked concerned and Veronica nodded her head, smiling mischievously.

"Why, yes, it did." Veronica replied with a smile, "I just feel bad that he has a crush on me when I have a girlfriend already."

Kira couldn't help but smile at Veronica's comment as the female Alpha placed a hand around Kira's waist as they walked to their next class together.

AN: I literally can't believe I got 1k on the second book already in two days.

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