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"Brett? Brett, where are you?" Veronica heard Lori call out for her brother nearby.

Veronica heard footsteps walking toward where the voice was coming from. She immediately stopped looking for Kira and ran over to the younger girl to see a sniper pointing a gun at Lori. Lor closed her eyes, fearing for life.

Before the sniper could shoot, Veronica roared as she pushed him down on his back. As he tried to crawl away, Veronica grabbed him by the legs as she dragged him away from his gun. She then flipped him over onto his back, her claws out. Veronica grabbed the man by his jacket and lifted him onto the metal table before climbing on top of it also.

Veronica grabbed the man's head and roughly slammed it on the table. She ripped the man's hat off his head before she began to slash the man's chest with her claws. Veronica stopped and turned when she heard the whimpers of Lori. Veronica's eyes widened when she saw that she was staring at her with fear in her eyes. Noticing, what she was doing was wrong, Veronica punched the guy once to knock him before she got off of him.

Veronica began to wake around the warehouse, in search of Scott. As she did so, she knocked out numerous hunters. She ended up finding Scott, in the same position as she formerly was with hunter. She noticed his face beginning to form almost like Deucalion's and gasped. Running over to him, Veronica grabbed Scott by the arm before throwing him off the hunter. Scott, who was as if not himself, got up off the ground and roared angrily at Veronica.

Showing no fear towards the Alpha, Veronica roared back at him, hers being even louder than his. As he began to become himself again, Scott frowned, "Why did you stop me?" he asked her, sounding angry.

"You were killing that man!" She shouted, "Taking the life of an innocent is the last thing you want right now. Trust me."

Veronica heard the man's phone ring and walked over to him. She took his phone out of his pocket to reveal that it was from The Benefactor and it had said, 'All Contracts Terminated.'

Veronica turned the phone around to show Scott before tossing it on the man's chest.


Once all the hunters were gone, Satomi's pack, Scott, Kira, Braeden, Veronica, Derek, and Argent all met up together to see numerous hunters lying on the ground. Veronica walked over to Kira, who didn't seem to look her straight in the eye after seeing her kill the hunter in cold blood without a second thought, "Is it over?" She asked quietly.

Veronica slowly nodded as it became quiet between them, "Hey, can we go somewhere to talk?" Veronica asked curiously.

"Sure," Kira replied as she nodded her head.


Veronica and Kira sat on her bed in her bedroom at the McCall residence. It was quiet between them, something it seemed to be a lot lately. Veronica was hesitant to and she hated to admit it, but she felt the need to do it lately. And it wasn't just because she felt guilty for almost kissing Scott, but it was also felt like they were drifting from each other.

Kira felt as though she knew it was coming. She was dreading it, but she had been expecting it to happen since she left with her mom for a week so her mother could get treated for her wounds inflicted by the Berserker. Both girls knew that they weren't breaking up because they didn't like each other. They truly did, but they were also clearly drifting more and more. The past week, it felt as though they rarely saw each other.

"Listen," Veronica spoke up as she began to trail off in her sentence, "I don't know if I can do this anymore, Kira. It feels like we barely even acknowledge each other lately when in the same vicinity of each other and...Tonight, I saw the way you looked at me when I almost killed the pain. There was fear in your eyes and you don't derserve to be with someone like that. You're too good for that. No matter how I try to be one of the good guys like you and Scott are, I'm still that girl who killed nearly thirty members of her pack at only fourteen just to become powerful. Unlike you, my first instinct is to kill. You are literally so perfect and I'll never be good enough for you." Veronica explained as a tear fell down her cheek. She sniffled a bit as she quickly wiped the tear with the back of her hand.

"I understand where you're coming from, Veronica," Kira surprisingly agreed with her, "But I don't understand how this happened all of sudden between us. It's literally come out of nowhere." She paused for a moment as she finally turned to look Veronica straight in the eye, "I've noticed that we've drifted from each other lately and I feel the need to ask...Is this because of Scott? Everyone knows that he has feelings for you and you it's clear you feel something for him."

Veronica felt guilty as she heard Scott's words, "Honestly, I've always felt someway for Scott, even before I met you, but I would never do that to you. I liked you and only you through this relationship. I promise."

Kira nodded in understanding as tears welled in her eyes, "Okay. I want you to be honest, okay? Did this relationship between us only start just to be a way to get over Lydia?"

Veronica's eyes widened and she quickly shook her head, "What? No! Of course not! Kira, what I felt for Lydia wasn't even a fraction of what I felt for you." She confessed.

It became quiet between them for a long moment, the only sound being the small sniffles coming from both girls, "I guess the need for a break up is mutual then." Kira admitted quietly as she looked up at Veronica, "Veronica, even though we're breaking up, I hope it doesn't effects what we were like before we started dating,:

Veronica nodded, "No worries. I won't let us stop being friends." She promised.

Soon after, Kira left, leaving Veronica by herself. She made her way down the hallway and toward the kitchen to get some ice cream. Once getting to the kitchen, Veronica took a seat at the table with a spoon in one hand and a pint cookie dough ice cream in the other.

As she began to eat it, Scott soon came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, "You okay?" He asked, a concerned look on his face when he saw Veronica's runny mascara and tear streaked cheeks.

Veronica slowly nodded as she she took a bit spoonful of ice cream placed it in her mouth, "Kira and I broke up." She confessed.

"I'm so sorry, Veronica. I know how much you liked her." Scott sighed as he walked over to the counter and got another spoon.

He took a seat beside Veronica at the table. Veronica looked up at him and slid the pint of ice cream over so he could have some, "The break up was civil so that's gotta count for something." Veronica shrugged, trying to keep calm.

Scott sighed when Veronica was on the verge of tears. He quickly got up from his seat at the table and hugged Veronica, "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." He assured her, "It's okay."

"I'm the one who broke up with her, I shouldn't be like this," Veronica complained to him.

"That doesn't mean it still won't hurt." He reminded her, "Trust me."

AN: Sadly the end of #Vera And also, sorry about how sucky the break up was. I suck at them.

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