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 Once getting on the road, Derek was quick to handcuff Liam to his seat, "All good?" Derek asked Liam.

 Liam made a face as he tugged at his handcuff, only to find that he was unable to get out. He looked back up at Derek, the answer to the older male's question clearly being a yes. Derek went into his pocket and took out the triskelion, "I brought something to help you," Derek informed Liam as he held out, "This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful, supernatural talisman. We use it to teach Betas how to control themselves on a full moon."

 Derek handed Liam the Triskelion. While Liam was examining the object, Derek turned to Stiles, waiting for him to back up the facts. Stiles cleared his throat before speaking up, "Yes, it's powerful. Very powerful." 

 After hearing their words, Liam turned to Veronica, waiting for him to back up the story. it was clear that that was the only way he was actually going to believe. Unlike Stiles, Veronica began to speak up without having to be told to do so, "Stiles is right, that thing's really powerful. My mother used to have one close to it, she even got a tattoo of it. I myself have one," All three boys turned to Veronica shocked, not knowing she had a tattoo. She sighed, lifting her hair up to reveal a triskele tattoo on the back of her neck.


Just a few hours later, it was nighttime and the moon was out, meaning that it was close to the time Liam was going to begin turning. Liam grunted as he tugged at the handcuffs. She looked down to see that Liam's claws had already grown as he gripped tightly onto the triskelion tightly, "Whatever you were gonna teach me..." Breathily heavily, Liam looked up at the three werewolves to show that his eyes were now glowing yellow, "I think you better start."

 Veronica quickly got up from her seat next to Liam and moved over to sit next to Derek instead, "Liam, you with me?" Derek called out to Liam, who was now sweating heavily as he tried his hardest to keep calm, "We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it, you focus on the words. It's like meditating. You say the words until you feel control coming back to you." he explained to the younger werewolf.

"Okay. Okay, okay!" Liam groaned out as he struggled to stay in control, "What are the words?"

"Okay, look at the Triskelion. See the symbol?" Derek asked him, pointing down to the object Liam had gripped tightly in his hand, "I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something."

 Stiles' eyes widened as he came to a realization, "Alpha, Beta, Omega." He spoke up, sharing a glance with Veronica, who nodded her head in response.

"It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another," Derek explained to him, "Betas can become Alphas."

 "Alphas can become Betas," Stiles added in as he looked over at Veronica, who was slightly raising her hand up.

"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam asked and Veronica looked down at the ground, realizing she used to be just that last summer when she wasn't in Scott's pack yet. Liam turned to Veronica, who nodded her head at the question.

"All you have to do is say the three words," Derek told him, "With each one, you're telling yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. Go ahead."

 Liam began to repeat the three words, "Alpha, Beta..." He began to say, but Veronica cut him off.

"Slower." She insisted.

Liam took a deep breath before he spoke up once more, "Alpha...Beta...Omega..." Lian groaned out, clearly struggling, "Alpha...Beta...Omega."

"Good. Say it again." Derek encouraged him.

"Remember, every time you say the words, you're getting calmer," Derek informed him.

"Alpha, Beta...Omega."

"Oh, God," Stiles commented as quickly backed away from Liam, leaving Veronica and Derek standing in front of him.

"Liam, say it again!" Veronica tried to tell him, but he was already beginning to turn.

  Liam tried to get up as he roared out, causing the whole van to rock. Veronica's eyes widened when Liam ended up being able to break one of the handcuffs, "Derek?" Braeden asked in concern.

"I think we're gonna need to go a little faster!" Stiles spoke up nervously.

Because Veronica was sitting directly across from Veronica, she was his locked target when he got out of both handcuffs, "We're almost there." Braeden informed them quickly.

"Liam, you need to calm down!" Veronica warned him nervously, trying to get his claws away from her neck.

"Derek, I don't think Alpha, Beta, Omega is resonating with him!" Stiles stated and Veronica turned to him, an annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" She growled at him before Derek spoke up.

"Well, do the two of you know any other mantras?" Derek asked them and Veronica began to think about it deeply.

Just then, she remembered the one Brett was muttering under his breath when she had saved him from Violet, "Liam? Liam!" Veronica called out in a pleading down, "Hey! Look at me! Liam, what three things cannot long be hidden?"

Listened to her words and stopped for a moment before he began to try and attack Veronica again, "Liam, hey, hey, hey! You know this! I told you the story about it when I slept over your house the other night. Just think, Liam! What three things cannot long be hidden?" She asked him once again.

Veronica noticed Liam's sudden change in mood and felt a bit relieved, "The sun...The moon...The truth."

"That's it! You got it!" Veronica told him proudly as she pulled hands away from her neck, "Now repeat it once more."

"The sun...the moon...the truth," Liam repeated.

"Derek?" Braeden asked concerned as she turned in her seat to look in the back.

"We're okay," Derek assured her.

Veronica sighed in relief when she saw Liam was now in control. She moved back to her seat next to him and pulled him in for a hug, "I told you, you could do it."

AN: One Chapter Left (I'm pretty sure)

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