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 Liam growled out angrily as Scott tried to hold him down while Kira tried to fix his chains, "I got him. Get his hands." Scott demanded as Kira quickly obeyed, "Where the hell did Veronica go!"

"I have no clue!" Kira replied as she tried her hardest to tighten his chains.

 Just then, Liam got out of them and jumped on top of Scott. Liam growled as he tried to bite Scott. The younger werewolf lifted up his claws, ready to slash Scott. Out of nowhere, Veronica appeared and kicked Liam in the face, knocking him out instantly.

  Veronica groaned out as Liam dropped to the ground and didn't move an inch, "Oh, crap. Did I kill him?" She questioned as she dropped to boy's side alongside Kira and Scott, "I was starting to enjoy this kid, too!"

Scott shook his head in disagreement to Veronica's comment, "No. He's out cold."

"I hope Stiles is having better luck," Kira commented.

Veronica shook her head, "Nah, I don't think he is."


After Scott left, Veronica and Kira were in charge of watching over Liam, who was old cold as he stayed chained up to the post, "He's looks so young," Kira commented as she and Veronica sat together in front of Liam, watching over him.

"He is. He's only fifteen." Veronica replied quietly.

"What are Scott and you going to do with him?" Kira asked curiously.

"Help him," She answered, glancing over at Liam before back at Kira, "And if he doesn't want we're going to take up Stiles' plan to throw him in the lake."

Kira's face became concerned when she heard her girlfriend's words, only to see that there was a smile on Veronica's face, meaning that she was joking, "I'm kidding, Kira." She assured her as she placed an arm around Kira, pulling her closer to her. 

Kira let out a small sigh as she placed her head on Veronica's shoulder, "Good." She replied and Veronica responded by placing a kiss to the top of Kira's head.


A few moments later, Kira turned and frowned at Veronica when she saw her staring out onto the water, "What is it?" Kira asked concerned, "Is there something wrong?"

Veronica shook her head and smiled as she turned back to Kira, "Nothing, I can just hear the music from the house." She informed her and Kira gave her a curious look.

"What kind of music are they playing?" Kira questioned curiously.

"Electronic," Veronica replied but didn't seem too happy with the answer she gave "I wish they still played slow songs at parties, you know? They do it at schools dances, but never an actual party," Veronica noticed the weird look Kira gave her and spoke up, "What? Did I say something bad? Sorry, my mouth has no filter and I literally say the sh--" Before Veronica could start her meaningless ramble, Kira laughed out as she used her hand to cover Veronica's mouth.

"I was gonna tell you that I was thinking the same exact thing," Kira explained as she continued to laugh.

 As Kira removed her hand from Veronica's mouth, Veronica suddenly got up and held her hand out for Kira to take. Without question, Kira grabbed Veronica's hand and stood up, "What are you doing?" Kira asked confused as she watched Veronica take her phone out of her pocket and began to do something on it.

Just then, slow music began to play on Veronica's phone, earning a bright smile on Kira's face. Veronica walked away from Kira for a moment to place her phone down before she walked back over to Kira, "May I have this dance, Kira Yukimura?" Veronica smiled at her as she held out her hand.

 Kira turned to look at Liam, "What about him?" She questioned before turning back to Veronica.

"If you really want me to, I'll dance with the kid next time," She replied and Kira laughed. Veronica lifted her hands up and cupped Kira's face as she placed a quick kiss to her lips. As she pulled away, she smiled, "But right now, I only want to dance with you."

  Kira wrapped her arms around Veronica's neck while Veronica placed her arms around Kira's waist, "I always wondered, how are you so good at staying in control on a full moon?" Kira asked Veronica curiously.

"I control my shift with one emotion," Veronica explained, "Anger. I channel my anger so I can shift. When that doesn't work though, I just make sure that my pulse doesn't get too fast and that always works."

"So you've mastered your control?" Kira replied and Veronica nodded.

"Yup." She answered with a smile on her face, "Totally mastered it. But it does take a lot of concentration."

"So if I do this..." Kira trailed off as began to kiss down Veronica's neck.

"Totally indistractable." Veronica stated and Kira quickly took that as a challenge.

Kira placed a kiss to Veronica's lips before she began to trail kisses down her jaw and neck. Once stopping at the crook at her neck, Veronica quietly moaned out even though she tried so hard not to, but it was her weakness.

Kira laughed as she pulled away from Veronica's neck, "Cheater." Veronica complained.

"Not only did I hear you moan, I heard you growl, too. I call that a win." Kira stated, only to notice that Veronica's eyes were wide and she looked nervous, "What is it?" 

"Kira, I never growled. I know that for a fact," Veronica told her before both she and Kira turned to Liam, who was already turned and getting ready to escape the chains tying him to the wooden post.

"Are those chains gonna hold him?" Kira asked concerned.

"I know you're hoping I'm gonna say yes..." Veronica trailed off as her tone of voice began to sound more worried, "But I know for sure with that anger he has, those chains will break within mere seconds."

Just as Veronica predicted, Liam growled out as he broke the chains that held him down. Thinking that he was about to attack them, both Kira and Veronica dodged Liam, only to have him jump through the window and run away.

 Veronica's eyes widened as she turned to Kira, "Kira, you get Scott, I'm going to try and stop him."

Kira nodded as she grabbed Veronica's hand before she could go, "Be careful." Kira told her as she quickly kissed Veronica on the lips before she ran in search of Scott.

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