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It had been a long night for both Scott and Veronica. They ended up having to chase Liam through the woods for about an hour before Chris Argent came to the rescue and helped them out. They ended up convincing Liam that he was okay and they also promised to help him get through it.

While they were doing so, Lydia ended up cracking the code to a Deadpool, which ended up having both Scott, Lydia, and Veronica's name on it. Scott ended up being worth twenty-five million, Veronica was twenty-three million while Lydia was twenty million.

  After the weekend was over, it was time to go back to school and Veronica ended up giving Scott the idea to ask Derek for help on keeping Liam in control. Veronica and Scott stood hidden in the locker room as Liam and Derek conversed.

  Derek ended up acting as if he broke Liam's lacrosse stick, which ended up angering the younger beta. Liam's eyes glowed yellow as he went to attack Derek. Derek grabbed Liam by the neck as he held his body up against the lockers.

 "Liam? Liam." Veronica's voice echoed through the air, which seemed to be able to get Liam's eyes to revert to its normal shade of blue instead of fluorescent yellow.

"You were definitely right, Veronica. He is an angry one. Very," Derek commented as he let go of his grip on Liam's neck.

 Liam turned to Scott and Veronica, Scott holding Liam's actual lacrosse stick in his hand, "This one's yours." Scott told Liam as he tossed the stick to him.

Liam turned to Derek once more just as the school bell rang, "Get to class, Liam." Scott ordered and Liam hesitant obeyed him.

Scott sighed, glancing over at Veronica before looking at Derek, who smiled, "What the hell are you smiling about?" Veronica asked confused, "You never smile. Ever."

"It's just--" Derek began to say, "Scott, you're going to be good at this. Especially with Veronica's help."

"Are you kidding?" Scott asked in disbelief, "I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things? I think, right now I could use a full-on training manual."

"I'll tell you one thing," Derek replied, "That anger he's got? It'll make him strong," He pointed over at  Veronica, "Just like it seemed to do for her."

"And dangerous that means if it's anything like her," Scott commented, causing Veronica to smile.

"Very." Derek nodded his head in agreement.


After Scott had called a meeting with Kira, Stiles, and Veronica, the whole group met up in Coach's office to look through the lacrosse sticks in search of the one that was being used by an assassin to kill people, "This...This is pointless." Scott stated as he placed yet another lacrosse stick down in the large pile that the group had already checked, "Most of the team plays with their own gear."

"Maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game canceled?" Kira suggested.

"But the game's the best way to catch him red-handed though," Veronica frowned, clearly wanting to put up a good fight on the field instead of getting the game canceled.

"But what if he's red-handed 'cause his hands are covered in the blood of the person that he just stabbed to death?" Stiles questioned and Veronica gave him a concerned look, "Which, by the way, could be any one of you guys."

"Or Liam." Scott muttered quietly, "Well, we don't have the whole list and he could be on it."

"We don't know anything about that list," Stiles argued with what Scott had said, "How it's made, how it's updated. I mean, who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway?"

Veronica pointed at Stiles, "He's got a point, guys." She spoke up.

"Thank you!" Stiles cheered out.

Kira sighed as she looked down at the table disappointed, "How do they even know about me?' She asked quietly.

"They know about everyone," Scott replied.

"I think Kira's right," Stiles stated, "I think we should get the game canceled.

Veronica shook her head, "I'm not afraid." She announced.

"Me neither." Scott agreed with the female Alpha.

"Neither am I," Kira spoke up.

"Well, I'm terrified," Stiles shouted out, "And I'm not even on the list. Guys, these are professional killers. It's their profession. One of them's got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have?" He questioned his friends and Veronica couldn't help but feel as though Stiles had a point.


"Wolfsbane," Garrett stated as he sat beside his girlfriend, Violet, in the chemistry room as she mixed up the Wolfsbane for the weapon, "That's wolfsbane?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face, "I thought it was purple."

  Violet shook her head as she began to mix the Wolfsbane that was in the graduated cylinder she held, "Not this species," She replied, "Which is very rare and very expensive."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Garett frowned at Violet, not knowing what she meant, "'Don't screw up'?"

"Don't miss,"  Violet corrected him, an annoyed look on her face, "Okay, all you have to do is nick him. It'll work fast. Even on the Alphas."

 Garrett stared a Violet in disbelief, "We gonna do this again?" He questioned annoyed.

 Violet as she placed down the graduated Cylinder, "I'm just saying, I don't know why we're going after a Beta when there are two Alphas on the field." 

"Because an entire pack of Alphas went after McCall and Veronica and they were the ones left standing. Veronica killed twenty-five members of her pack at only fourteen, she'll sense us coming from a mile away." Garrett argued

"They're both a lot of money." Violet sighed in response.

"So is the Beta." Garrett retorted as he flicked out the sharp part of his lacrosse stick.

Violet picked up the syringe and picked up a bit of liquid wolfsbane with it. She then walked over to her boyfriend's lacrosse stick and poured it on the sharp knife end of it. Garrett smiled as she did so, feeling as if it all were going to be easy. Little did he know.

AN: So I know for a fact Veronica's worth on the Deadpool is on gonna be a whole lot and the second most valuable target on the list bc of everything she is.  She's the last remaining Alpha on the Alpha Pack besides Deucalion, she's an evolved wolf, she's the last remaining member of her family's powerful pack and she's killed over two dozen werewolves in her father's pack to take their power so she's pretty strong. Soooo, I'm thinking 22-23 million, one of the two bc Scott's 25 mil and Lydia's 20 mil.

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