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 Veronica was standing outside in the front of the school by herself when she saw Liam suddenly exit alongside his best friend, Mason, who seemed to be trying his hardest to stop him, "Liam, wait! What, no, no, no, no. Liam." Mason shouted to his friend.

 Veronica turned her head to see Liam was walking toward the rival team's bus. She gasped when she saw that the school's name was Devenford Prep, the same school Liam got expelled from.  

 As the prep students exited the bus with their lacrosse gear, Liam seemed to become most angered when one boy, in particular, came out. The boy was tall, well-built with short, light brown hair. He also had bright blue eyes and a pale complexion, "Brett!" Liam called out to that same boy.

"Ah, here we go," Mason groaned in annoyance as Liam made his way over to Brett, Mason following his friends over. Veronica quickly got up from her seat on the cement steps, ready to stop Liam if she had to.

Liam scowled as he glared at him, his breathing becoming heavy, "Calm down, Liam." Veronica whispered quietly and Liam seemed to hear her since he quickly glanced over at her before back at Brett. The two males seemed to be having a stare down with each other until Liam spoke up,  "I just wanted to say..." Liam began to say, trying to control his anger the best he could, "Have a good game." He finally said, holding out his hand for Brett to shake.

 Veronica turned her head to see Stiles and Scott were now standing alongside her, all three of them watching the scene unfold closely. Brett laughed out as he quickly glanced at rest of his teammates before back at Liam, "That's cute, Liam," Brett commented, "Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management?  Apologize and everything's fine?" Brett's face soon became more serious as he glared at Liam, "You demolished Coach's car."

"I paid for it," Liam argued, lowly growling.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for it," Brett nodded, "We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault."

 Veronica's eyes widened when she suddenly smelt blood nearby. She looked down to see it was Liam's hand. Veronica ran over to him, Scott and Stiles following soon after, "Woah, Woah, Woah. Break it up, Ladies," Veronica spoke up sarcastically as she stood in between the two males. She lightly pushed Liam back a bit before turning to face Brett with a smile on her face, "Hey, what's going on prep students? Welcome to our very boring high school. How you doing?" Veronica greeted them brightly. She glanced down and noticed that Liam was still digging his claws into his hand, so she pried his hand open with her hand and then intertwined his hand with her own, figuring it would help him.

  It seemed as if everyone was now looking down at Veronica holding Liam's hand, especially Brett and Liam. She played off with a laugh and could hear Liam's heart rate slow a bit. She sighed in relief at this and turned to Scott and Stiles as she pushed Liam toward them, "Go, I'll be there soon." She whispered and Scott nodding, grabbing Liam by the shoulders as he and Stiles ran with him to the locker room.

 Once they were out of sight, Veronica turned to the rival lacrosse team and smiled, "Just so you guys know, our team is very excited for the game tonight. But let's keep it clean, all right?" She explained to them

"Is she the cross country girl?" She heard a Deventford boy whisper to another.

 She turned to him and smirked, "Why, yes, I am, and I tend to be very competitive in both that sport and lacrosse, so you better watch out tonight." She
warned them.

"You're prettier than I thought you would be for a girl who plays lacrosse," Brett remarked, clearly trying to flirt with her.

 Veronica rolled her eyes as she turned her head to glare at him, "Sorry, but I have a girlfriend." She informed him as she patted him on the shoulder.

"So you're a lesbian? Dang, it," He stated and Veronica gave him a weird look.

"I never said that," She argued as she crossed her arms over her chest, "I like both guys and girls. Wait, why am I telling you this? I have somewhere to be."

Without saying another word to the lacrosse players, Veronica ran in the direction of the locker room, the Devenford players whistling as she did so. She flipped them off, of course before she entered the locker room. 

 Once entering the locker room, Veronica found Scott and Stiles pushing Liam under the shower, trying to calm him down as he began to turn. Liam growled as they did so, causing Veronica to groan, "You amateurs!" She shouted out, causing both Scott and Stiles to turn and face her.

 "Well then, you do something!" Stiles shouted back at her.

Veronica rolled her eyes as she walked over and turned off the shower, "What the hell are doing!" Scott asked her, not knowing why she turned off the shower.

  She then turned to Liam, who was now not being held any longer by Scott and Stiles. Veronica turned to both boys, "If Kira asks, this meant nothing," Veronica told them as she cupped Liam's face with her hands, "Don't freak out, just trust me," She reminded him quietly.

 Stiles and Scott's eyes widened in shock when Veronica suddenly leaned forward and kissed Liam on the lips. Scott listened in on the boy's heartbeat to find that it slowed down. He then began to remember just months ago, Veronica had done the same thing to him to calm him down.

 Once knowing he was calm, Veronica pulled away from the kiss. She smiled, lightly patting Liam on his cheek as she backed up, "Good, you're calm." She stated, clearly feeling proud of herself.

"Jesus, Veronica, do you kiss everyone you need to calm down?" Scott remarked and Veronica whipped herself around to face him.

"Aw, does little Scott not feel special anymore?" She asked in a baby voice, causing Stiles to begin laughing.

"Shut up, Stiles." Scott told his best friend annoyed, only to see Veronica walking out, "Wait, where are you going?"

"I got places to be. I'm on a tight schedule." Veronica replied sarcastically as she exited the Locker room without another word said.

Stiles turned to Scott, "She literally has the most dramatic and perfect timing entrances and the most random exits, doesn't she?" Stiles asked Scott, who smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

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