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Once making it to the Morgue, Kate threw Chris into the room, leaving Stiles shocked. He frowned when he saw Kate enter, Veronica in tow, "Stiles, run! Stiles, get out of here!" Veronica shouted out at him.

Chris soon got up and stood protectively next to Stiles, "Get out of the way, Stiles. I'm taking the body." Kate demanded.

"Why? Visual Confirmation." Stiles questioned, stepping in front of the row that Scott's body was in.

Kate shook her head, walking closer to the two males, "Don't worry, Handsome. I'm not The Benefactor." She assured Stiles.

"What do you want with the body?" Chris questioned angrily.

"I wish I could tell you," Kate replied as she walked even closer.

Before she could, Veronica quickly stepped in front of her, her eyes glowing red as her claws embedded itself into Kate's neck, "Make one sudden move and slash right across your freaking neck, understand?" Veronica growled at her.

"Keep forgetting that you do the most expected things unlike the rest of them," Kate complained.

"Back off!" Veronica shouted angrily.

"You sure you can Slash my neck quick enough?" Kate asked her with attitude.

"You bet I can," Veronica smirked at her as she tightened her grip on Kate's neck.

"You're not going to kill me," Kate stated and Veronica frowned.

"How do you know? You don't even know me!" Veronica argued.

"I know enough to know that you're a cold-blooded killer unlike the rest of your pack. And no matter how hard you try to change from your old ways, you're still that same killer. One accidental slip up and your little boy toy, Scott, will send you away faster than you could even blink." Kate explained, "And I also know that you're not going to kill me."

"And I know I'm not letting you take his body." Veronica retorted.

As Stiles began to ramble to the two females, Veronica began to speak up, "Listen to me, Kate. We have a plan to stop The Benefactor," Veronica informed her, "We're trying to get to whoever it is. And if you're psychopathic self hasn't noticed, you're on that list, so am I. We can end the Dead Pool, but you need to leave so we can do so."

Kate noticed the girl kept glancing down at her left wrist. Kate grabbed Veronica's arm and turned it to see that there was a timer that read '03;00'. Veronica looked up at Kate and gave her a pleading look, "I may not know much about you, Kate, but it's clear that you'll do anything to stay alive. Leave right now with your Berserkers and you'll get that chance."


Once Veronica ended up being able to surprisingly convince Kate to leave with the Berserkers, the whole group sat around Scott's body in the morgue, waiting for him to wake up.

Suddenly, Scott yelled out as he awoke from his state to see most of his pack standing around him. Veronica grabbed the sides of Scott's face to turn him to face at her, "Look at me, Scott. Look at me, you're okay," Veronica assured him in a soothing voice.

Scott seemed to calm down a bit and suddenly hugged Veronica, knowing he couldn't do anything else, "See? You're okay." Veronica laughed nervously as she pulled away from the hug.

 Kira awkwardly stood beside her girlfriend, staring at both of the teenage Alphas weirdly, "What happened? Did it work?" Scott asked concerned and Veronica stayed quiet as he turned to Stiles and Argent.

Liam suddenly entered the Morgue room, staring straight at Kira, "What?" Kira asked concerned.

"It's your mother..." Liam trailed off, a worried look on his face, "She's hurt."


Later on that night, Veronica and Scott sat crisscrossed on Scott's bed, talking about the things that had occurred that day, "You killed another Berserker?" Scott asked in disbelief.

A smile slowly started to form on Veronica's face as she looked at Scott directly in the eye, "Yeah," She replied quietly, nodding her head, "But Kate, of course, saw it coming and made another Berserker before coming back to Beacon Hills."

"How do you even make a Berserker?" Scott commented, clearly curious about the subject.

"I was actually reading a book on that the other day," Veronica informed the male Alpha, "It takes place at La Iglesia, the Aztec Church where we found Derek. They place an animal skull over your head and it goes from there." She explained and Scott smiled, which caused Veronica to give him a confused look, "What?"

Scott slowly shook head, still smiling, "It's nothing. I just didn't think anyone could take the time to look up Berserkers." He told her and Veronica raised a brow at him.

"Well, Scott McCall, I'm not just anyone. I'm Veronica Morgan." She replied with a smile on face, "I never got to ask what happened to you while you were dead. Did you end up happening bad dreams like I said you would or good dreams?"

"I had good dreams." He answered with a fake smile on his face, causing Veronica to immediately know that he was lying to her, "Fine, it was a bad dream. A really bad one."

 "What was the bad dream?" She asked him, a concerned look on her face.

Scott was quiet for a long moment, clearly hesitant to tell the girl. He knew he could trust her, but just never thought anyone would ever ask him what actually to him while he was dead, "I'm not going to explain it all, but before you guys ended up bringing me back, I was forced to claw Liam to death." 

Veronica's eyes widened in shock, "Oh, my God. That's more morbid than I expected," She commented before noticing the distraught look on Scott's face, "I was gonna ask you to go into more detail, but nevermind."

 Veronica sighed as she got up from the bed and walked towards the door, "Where are you going?" Scott asked concerned.

Veronica gave Scott a confused look as she turned to him, "I'm going to bed, silly. We have school tomorrow." She answered as if it were obvious, "Night, Scott."

"Night, V." He replied and Veronica stopped walking for a moment, a smile appearing on her lips as she heard the nickname. Only one other person called her that. A person she figured she would never see again. Little did she know.

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